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Dawood was suspicious to see Rubab offering him an umbrella. He wondered what happened to her suddenly. At first, he looked at the umbrella and then diverted his cynical eyes at her. He tried to read her expression but he failed. He couldn't conclude what she was thinking.

" What's this?" Dawood questioned clearing his throat.

She answered," A magic wand." The sarcasm in her voice wasn't missed by him. " Of course, it's an umbrella," she rolled her eyes having an annoyed expression.

A frown appeared on his forehead," And, why are you giving me this?" The suspicion in his voice was clear. His eyes kept studying her facial expression.

" Well," she paused letting out a sigh. " I just wanted to apologize for my behaviour. I admit that I was wrong." Rubab apologized without any hesitation in her voice.

Dawood blinked his eyes at the sudden change in her behaviour. He continued wondering what happened to her suddenly that she was helping him. Was she really guilty or there was something else in her mind? Maybe he was just overthinking. She might be a good person but he judged her quickly.

Rubab let out an annoyed remark," Why are you taking an eternity to accept an umbrella?" She handed over the umbrella to him. Reluctantly Dawood accepted this umbrella.

" How will you go home if you are giving me your umbrella?" Dawood questioned. He was genuinely concerned about her.

Rubab answered looking at the sky," I will go home when the rain stops." She forwarded one of her hands into the rain. When the water droplets bounced in her hand she giggled loudly.

Watching her giggling, Dawood felt a sudden unexplainable emotion. He didn't know why he kept watching her. He didn't know why the sound of her giggling felt like music to his ears. He was so drowned in her giggling that he didn't even blink his eyes for once. It would be a lie if she says that she wasn't beautiful.

Rubab felt his eyes on her. Diverting her concentration on him she smiled," What?"

Dawood skipped a heartbeat looking at her curled lips. He took a few good seconds to observe those pink petals. For the first time, he was looking at a girl's lips like that and he didn't regret looking at those lips. But, the realization hit him real soon. He doesn't want to be a pervert in a girl's eyes. He diverted his concentration.

" Where do you live?" Dawood asked straightening his face.

She replied brushing her braids with her fingers," *** Area."

" I live there too," Dawood's eyes were completely stuck on her long black braids. His eyes followed the movement of her slender fingers. " We can go together. Let's share the umbrella," Dawood raised his eyes at her.

Instantly, he lowered his eyes because she was already looking at him. He just hopes she didn't catch him watching her like a hawk.

" Let's go," Rubab agreed and then they started their journey to their home.

Both of them were walking silently though Dawood's mind was becoming chaotic by her presence. Whenever they were moving one of her hands kept slightly brushing with his hand. The touches felt like hundred bolts of electricity shocks to Dawood. No matter how many times he tried to not blush and shy, he ended up blushing shyly. It was the first time a girl was this close to him.

" Your name?" Dawood broke the silence.

She replied," Rubab Mirza."

" Do you know what Rubab means in Arabic?" Dawood asked getting lost in her eyes.

She shook her head in denial. " Rose," he answered. " It means Rose in Arabic," Dawood smiled at her.

Before Rubab could say anything, Dawood held her hand to cross the road. The moment Rubab looked at her with questioning eyes he left her hand. He didn't how did he hold her hand. He didn't know where all this bravery was coming from. He bit his tongue noticing her amazed eyes at him.

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