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Dawood didn't go to school for the next week. He was depressed and ashamed to go to school. He was nervous to face Rubab and her gang. However, his mother forced him to go to school again. He was determined to not go to that school but two slaps from his mother's hand were enough to make him get ready for school.

Entering the school the first thing he faced was weird looks from all the students. He also noticed the students whispering and gossiping while looking at him. The mocking stares and some insulting remarks didn't go unnoticed by Dawood. He didn't know why all of them were looking at him like that. 

After surviving all those nasty glares Dawood finally reached the classroom.

" Strike," a loud male voice echoed through the whole classroom the moment he stepped inside the room.

Dawood closed his eyes when the banana peel got stuck into his face. His ears almost bleed by the loud clapping and whistling sound. 

Dawood removed the banana peel from his face having a pissed-off expression. He looked frontwards and as expected there were Rubab and her friends. It was Saad who threw that banana peel on his face. Dawood's eyes met with Rubab who was already grinning at him sheepishly. Letting out a sigh Dawood took his seat because he didn't want another problem. He decided to ignore Rubab and her friends.

After 3 periods, the school bell rang. It was leisure time so the maximum number of students left for the canteen including Rubab and her friends. However, Dawood didn't leave because he wasn't feeling like eating anything. Taking out his diary he started writing something. Dawood has a habit of writing a diary. He writes down every important detail of his life.

Dawood's concentration was broken by a huge shadow on his dairy. He raised his eyes with curiosity and found Ruhi standing. She forwarded a piece of cake to Dawood.

" Aren't you hungry?" Ruhi questioned taking a sit in front of Dawood.

Dawood shook his head in the negative and concentrated on whatever he was doing. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. He refused the piece of cake she offered.

" I am sorry, Dawood," Ruhi apologized. " One day they will be punished for whatever they did," she sounded angry but still Dawood didn't react.

Ruhi added," I was disgusted by them when I saw that video on the school group." Dawood's eyes snapped at her with shock and horror.

He questioned blinking his eyes," School group? What do you mean?"

" Rubab uploaded a video of yours in the school group. You were struggling to swim in that filthy pond," Ruhi sounded upset while informing Dawood who was on the verge of crying. Dawood hardly uses social media platforms so he didn't what was happening. 

Looking at his face, Ruhi grabbed his hands," A lot of students condemned that video though a few students made fun of yours. The video was taken down by the authority after a lot of reports."

Dawood didn't say anything but fat drops and tears kept escaping his eyes. He felt miserable. He wished he was a strong boy like his brother Darwish. He wished he could stand up against those bullies.

" Don't cry, Dawood," Ruhi wiped away Dawood's tears with her fingers. " When I first came to this school I was bullied too. Since I am a little bit chubby, people used to call me buffalo, elephant and pig etc," She started to narrate what happened to her.

Dawood frowned his brows with confusion. Isn't Ruhi a friend of that bully gang? If they used to bully her then how did she befriend them?

" I swear I starved myself to lose weight but due to PCOS, I couldn't lose my weight. I became depressed by all those ugly remarks," Ruhi looked down. Her whole face got clouded with sadness.

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