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Two days later

Rubab was in the hospital with her father. He woke up after two days of treatment relieving his family from tensions. Right now, only Rubab was with her father since her brothers went the home with their mother. They also needed some rest. For the last two days, there was no sleep in their eyes.

" It's the last. Open your mouth," Rubab held a spoonful of soup in front of her father.

He drank it gladly. While Rubab concentrated on picking another spoonful of soup he questioned," What happened to you?"

Rubab stopped whatever she was doing. She didn't raise her head instead she fixed her eyes on the bowl. She didn't want her father to catch the tears in her eyes.

" What will happen to me?" Rubab forced a smile on her face. " I am good."

Selim raised her face," Do you think you can fool me?"

" Why are your eyes red? Your cheeks are tear-stained. Your skin is looking dull. You are looking like a living corpse and you want me to believe that you are fine!" Selim's voice boomed at her.

Rubab kept her mouth shut though a fat drop of tear left her eyes. How could she tell him what Darwish had been doing to her for the last two days? How could she tell her father that Darwish had been feeding her extremely spicy food for the last two days? He was punishing her. Whatever he did that day wasn't enough. She cried, pleaded and held his legs but nothing worked on him.

When she tried to go to the police he used her family card again. He shut her mouth so that he can continue punishing her.

" What is bothering you?" Selim sounded concerned.

Rubab answered meekly," I was just worried about you."

She lied and Selim knew it. He didn't pressurize her because he knew that she wasn't going to open her mouth at all.

" I am fine now. There is nothing to worry about," he assured caressing her cheeks.

He joined his forehead with hers," I am your father, baby. If anything is bothering you then just tell me."

" I will do anything to ease your problems," he softened his voice and she knew that her father wasn't lying.

She thought with a heavy heart," I wish I could tell you."

" It's time for your nap, Baba," Rubab diverted the topic and laid him down on the bed.

Selim held her hands gently," Dear, remember one thing no matter what your father will protect you always."

" I know," Rubab cried out emotionally.

She came outside of the room hurriedly and burst into hysterical sobbing. She didn't want to return to that house again where that monster lives. She didn't know at this moment what she should do or to whom she should talk.


Rubab woke up from her sleep hearing some sound. She didn't know when she slept on the chair placing her head on her father's bed. Rubab was startled seeing the doctor checking her father's pulse.

The doctor smiled at her. It was a polite charming smile. Rubab corrected her dupatta instantly. She did not know when it fell on her shoulder exposing her long silky wavy black hair.

" You have gorgeous hair," The doctor complimented.

Rubab was baffled by his words. But, a few seconds later she smiled shyly. It wasn't the first time someone was praising her hair. She covered her hair hurriedly.

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