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A piece of paper was thrown right across Rubab's face by her father Selim. He marched at her like a raging bull when her mother Runa stood in front of her like a shield.

" Didn't she promise that she will do better this time?" Selim shouted at Runa pointing his finger at his 15-year-old daughter who was staring at the floor with blurry eyes.

Runa tried to calm down her husband," It's not the final exam. She will do better in the final. Just be patient. 

Selim's said in disbelief," She failed again. This time she failed in Mathematics too and you are telling me to be patient." 

" Why am I even wasting my money on her education? I swear except for cow dung she has nothing inside her skull," Selim continued shouting.

Rubab grabbed the ham of her dress tightly. She started seeing everything red due to anger. She raised her eyes at her father with burning eyes.

" Just give her another chance, Selim," Runa said softening her voice. 

Selim snapped at his wife," If her brothers can bring good marks then why can't she? Am I discriminating against her? From schools to house tutors, I am providing everything then why she can't just bring some good grades."

" Come on Selim. Stop comparing her to her brothers. She was trying too," Runa was tired of his continuous shouting. 

Selim yelled at his wife," Do you know why Zulfikar and Joheb always do better? Because they work hard unlike this lazy spoiled brat." 

When Selim told Rubab was a spoiled brat he wasn't wrong. Rubab was never a bright student or we can say she never tried to work hard. Instead of books, she was more interested in hanging out with her friends and spending time on her phone. The most common problems of teenagers.

" I swear Runa if she fails in the final too then I will marry her off," Selim was frustrated.

Rubab threw a flower vase on the ground to catch her parents' attention. When they looked at her she didn't say anything but her look was threatening.

" I will burn your house down if you think about my marriage again," she threatened her parents.

Her parents' faces turned pale hearing her because they knew that she is capable of doing anything.

Taking her school bag she stormed outside the house. She started her journey to the school not before puncturing her father's bike. 

Rubab reached school in a ruined mood. Her friends Ayesha, Saad, Tania, Ruhi, Zubair and Wahaj were already waiting for her in the school backyard which is their meeting point. This is the abandoned cafeteria which turned into Rubab and her gang's territory.

" Seems like you have heavy breakfast this morning," Saad joked making everyone burst into laughter. Rubab glared at him. 

Zubair took a puff from his cigarette," I don't understand why your father is obsessed with grades. He got enough money to buy degrees for you." 

" Since he takes honesty pills every three hours so you can guess," Rubab answered rolling her eyes.

She was going to say some foul words when the school bell rang. Picking up their bags from the ground they forwarded their legs to the classroom.

Entering the classroom Rubab thought to have a nap because her father didn't let her sleep last night. He forced her to study the whole night because he caught her using her phone instead of studying. It wasn't the first time Rubab was thinking to sleep in the class.

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