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Sitting on the prayer mattress Rubab raised her hands in dua(prayer). She recited some verses from the holy Quran and asked for help from the Almighty. Her vision got blurry with tears while begging for her father's well-being.

Last night her father had a stroke resulting in his paralyzed situation. She was already in distress due to her health but the news of her father's health worsened her situation.

While she was lost in prayer, Darwish was sitting on the bed with an apple in his hand. Taking a bite from it he continued observing her. Something was cooking in his mind after watching her vulnerable state.

" Strike the iron when it's hot," his evil mind spoke and a devilish smirk formed at the corner of his lips.

Finishing her prayer Rubab stood up and started folding the prayer mattress. She didn't bother looking at him whose eyes were glaring at her. She was least interested in him.

" Didn't you pray for your husband?" Darwish broke the silence trying to start a conversation with her.

Rubab just hummed nodding her head a little bit. Darwish didn't miss her rolling eyes. This woman doesn't fear him at all. He knew she was just controlling her anger because of her mother otherwise she would have divorced him a long ago. He also realized that violence, fear and force will only make the situation worse. If he wants to keep her with him then he has to play with her emotions. Her mind. He has to manipulate and brainwash her with his words. And, he knew exactly what he has to do. 

Darwish exhaled a long breath catching Rubab's attention," I pity my father-in-law."

" The poor man doesn't deserve such suffering," he smiled internally noticing her full concentration on him.

He clicked his tongue," Tsk....tsk.....tsk...... I hope his daughter understands that she is the root of his suffering."

" What do you mean?" Rubab stood in front of him with questioning eyes.

Darwish stood up towering herself with his beastly body. He said," Don't you understand that you are the reason behind your family's suffering?"

" Your father had a stroke because of you. You put such poison inside his mind that you aren't happy in your marriage. He was already devastated by the sudden disappearance of your mother. Instead of supporting him, you put more tension in his bucket," Darwish accused her out of nowhere making her cry out.

She grabbed his collar," How am I the reason for my father's situation? It was you who ruined my father's peace by kidnapping my mother. You are the only problem in my and my family's life." She screamed in his face. 

He didn't lose his temper because he knew that he has to play carefully. He knew what he was doing. He wanted her to lose her temper and she was behaving exactly the way he wanted.

" Me?" he sounded surprised. " I am the reason for your family's suffering?" He asked in disbelief.

He grabbed her arms," Everything could be avoided only if you learned to move on. Only if you learned to leave behind your past then I wouldn't have to kidnap your mother to protect our marriage."

" Your family was happy after marrying you off to me. Specifically, your mother. Do you remember how many insults she endured because of you? Do you remember how many taunting she swallowed silently because of you? Your family was doing completely fine until you decided to ruin it," he accused her of everything though there was no fault of hers. 

Rubab kept crying continuously after hearing his accusing words. Emotionally she was vulnerable. So, his manipulative words hit a strong nerve inside her. Her mind couldn't reciprocate the deeper manipulation in his words.

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