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Rubab panicked after reading the text from her brother. She shook her head vigorously. What her brother had done? He had ruined whatever she planned to rescue her mother. Her mind stopped working imagining the upcoming storm.

Before her mind could come up with an idea to tackle the situation Darwish came outside of the washroom after taking a cold shower. Observing Rubab's stiff state he frowned his brows with confusion.

" What happened?" he questioned getting close to her.

She tried to say something but nothing came outside of her mouth. Both of them became startled by the sound of Darwish's phone. Glancing at Rubab suspiciously he went to receive it while Rubab closed her eyes pressing a hand over her mouth. She gave up.

Darwish turned at Rubab with eyes full of fire. Clutching the phone tightly he gritted his teeth in anger.

" Thanks for informing me this fast," he thanked someone and disconnected the call.

Rubab was still crying when he appeared in front of her like the angel of death. She cowered backwards at his sudden presence in front of her. She lowered her eyes automatically.

Glaring at her he called someone and ordered," Take her somewhere else."

Rubab raised her head and screamed," No. Please."

" More remote than the previous place," Darwish ordered giving Rubab a challenging look.

Disconnecting the call he crouched down to her level and grabbed her arms tightly. Her skin turned red due to his tight grip. She sobbed plaintively due to pain.

" You think you are really sneaky! Huh! Do you really think I will never come to know what you tried to do?" he shouted in her face.

He roared at the top of his lungs," Even after my warning how dare you tell your family members about your mother's location? How did you know where I have hidden her?"

Rubab just cried without uttering a single word. She should have warned her family members about her phone. She should have warned them that Darwish had hacked her phone with the help of a hacker. He did it so that she couldn't contact her family members and the police. So, when a few moments ago her brother texted that he is going to rescue his mother, the text was also received by the hacker who told Darwish about everything.

" Anyway," Darwish sighed. " Now I have moved your mother to such a remote place that no one will ever find out about her," he let out a devilish grin.

Rubab answered wiping away her tears," By doing all this you will gain nothing."

" You won't gain anything either by going against me," he clutched her jaw.

Softening his eyes he caressed her cheeks," I promised you that I will keep you happy. Why can't you just understand my feelings?"

" I apologized for whatever happened. Why can't you just forget the past and move on with me?" his voice turned hyper.

Rubab did not answer because there was no point in talking to a delusional person. She just hopes he doesn't harm her mother.

" Listen, Rubab," he took her hands in his hands. " I am forgiving you for what you did today but if you dare to repeat it then it will be really bad for your mother. Today I just refrained myself from doing anything to your mother considering her age but the next time I won't show any mercy," his threatening words rang inside her ears like some kind of painful sound.

" Now, good night and have a sweet dream about our future," he kissed her forehead.

The next day Rubab woke up from her sleep but did not find Darwish anywhere.  She got to know from Razia that Darwish has went to the States for some urgent work. Rubab thought it will be the best chance for her to contact her brothers but she did not know that Darwish was ten steps ahead of her.

CaptiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora