Chapter 346. Yasenia's group vs Tang Xian's and Long Baidi's group.

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Yasenia smirked. 'He is not bad; I can see why he was nurtured so much.'

Long Baidi exclaimed, "You are not that powerful, after all. I knew that we should've attacked you once we discovered your identity!"

Yasenia blinked, 'I haven't even used a single strengthening skill, and he is already so high and mighty? Hmm, maybe he has no combat experience...'

Tang Xian couldn't hold any longer and raised a pure white bow. Then, she shot more than ten arrows in an instant.

Yasenia saw them coming and moved to the side, trying to dodge, yet the place she escaped to appeared to be where the arrows were actually heading. 'Hmm, Fate-attributed enhanced arrows. They should be difficult to dodge.'

Tang Xian's smile widened for a second. 'Stupid lizard, did you think you could escape my attack?'

However, before Yasenia attacked, ten silver lights flashed from behind her.

Tang Xian's smirk froze, and the other people's eyes widened when those ten silver arrows hit Tang Xian's white arrows with pinpoint accuracy, canceling her attack.

They looked at the aloof Moon Phoenix holding her crystal bow and couldn't help but become extremely wary. How difficult was it to hit arrows in the air with other arrows? Not to mention that these ones were enhanced by the Fate attribute. Cecile's bow skills could only be described as monstrous.

Suddenly, Long Baidi took the chance of Cecile's display of skill to flash beside Yasenia at extremely high speeds and swing his sword toward her throat.

Long Baidi smiled, thinking that his surprise attack was successful. However, when he looked at Yasenia, a pair of slit golden eyes were directly looking at him extremely calmly. So calm that it looked emotionless.

Long Baidi's spiritual sense caught something coming from the side, and with a twist of his waist, he managed to redirect his attack.


He blocked with the sword, but the impact was tremendous, sending him flying hundreds of meters. Long Baidi looked at his arm and saw that it was trembling because of the collision.

When he looked up, he saw Andrea standing beside Yasenia in her full body armor, holding her halberd. Andrea's voice was heard next. "Little man, trying to sneak attack her is not very wise. How about we trade some blows?"

Without waiting for Long Baidi's answer, her figure blurred as she appeared before Long Baidi in the next instant. Her halberd was already slashing toward him, wanting to chop him in two from above.

Long Baidi's eyes became murderous as he shouted. "[Dark Light elemental Armor]!"

A black and white armor covered his whole body, and he slashed toward Andrea. His sword was also covered with those colors, and its strength made the air compress and exploded continuously.

Andrea's eyes narrowed below her helmet. "[Descending Solar Strike]."

Her halberd shone with golden light as it released scorching temperatures.


Their attacks collided, and they both took five steps back. Andrea's mouth beneath her helmet curled as she muttered. "Interesting."

However, Yasenia said. "Darling, let me fight him. I want a somewhat strong opponent to temper myself."

Andrea nodded and retreated. Then, Yasenia turned toward Cecile and the others. "Cecile, maintain Tang Xian busy or kill her if you can."

"Angel, don't participate in battle; overlook everything and interfere as you see fit."

"Evelyn, Andrea, go fight against the fifteen cultivators. Kali, Sierra, you support them.

Heaven, Earth, Me 2 (GL)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz