Part 10~ Nopenopenopenope

Start from the beginning

''You okhaye there hhun?'' It was a drunk. Holding me. He slurred his words and smiled as he spoke. It wasnt a ressuring smile, it was terrifying.

''G-get off me! Im fine! get o-off!'' I yelled trying to shake his disgusting hands off me.

''Youh whhere shouthing whhatsh wrong?''

''GET OFF!'' i screamed and swung my leg up, kicking him just inches away from his crotch. And i started running again, hearing distant curse words and cries of pain. What street was i on? Just then i remembered, the only time google maps was useful to me. I pulled out my phone once again and searched up the hotel in bristol, then followed the lines on the map i presumed i had ran in. I was heading towards the town area, well played legs. At least you know what you're doing.

When i was sure i was clear away from the random drunk, i slowed down and stopped under a lamppost heaving and breathing deeply. Looking up, i was surrounded by dark closed shops and up ahead was the mall. Knowing i couldnt run again yet, i tried calling Lia again. When i got no answer, i put my phone back in my pocket only to hear it ping with a message. Suddenly getting a mini heart attack i ripped it out and opened the 'unknown' message.

[stop callin Lia ses wif me f*k of]

Well if his spelling was anything to go by, he was either drunk, high, or dyslexic. Or very bad at spelling. Frustrated i texted back right away. 

[Where the hell is Lia. Tell me now. Dont try to be a smartass either.]

[ stfu c*nt, shes wif me piss of]

[Charming. Im not kidding when i say this, but i will call the police and tell them you raped her. Where is she]

[f*k off]

[No! Tell me where she is!]

[come to Liqid n envy if u wont her so bad]

[thats a club right?]

[wow your smart]

I swear that was the worst text conversation i ever had. Well at least i knew where she was...wait, what if she's not there and its just him and some of his douche bag mates? I do not feel like getting badly flirted with tonight. Ugh what should i do? Well..its my only shot. 

I started walking through town, keeping on re-thinking over and over whether or not i should go. But before i knew it, i was outside the blazing club. I had saw where it was earlier when i went shopping .  I could hear the booming music coming from inside and i could see the fashing lights leaking out of the cracks of the door. So this is how terrifying clubs really were. 

Gulping, i pressed my sweaty hand against the door and pushed it open only to be hit in the head by the blaring music and the screaming/laughing people. I could feel my tummy flipping over but i really had to find Lia. Ever since those stupid texts my brain's been going wild and i needed to get Lia home and safe. 

I took my first step into the club, feeling the vibrations on the floor. Where was the security? Usually there were men in black teeshirts outside saying whether you could go in or not. Oh shutup Ree why are you thinking of this? Gotta find Lia! 

Pushing through the sweaty bodies i called for Lia, trying to be louder than the music. I noticed some stairs in the corner and found they lead up to a sort of balcony. I could get a better veiw from there.

My head had already started pounding from the loudness, but i kept on squeezing through the dancing bodies and headed up the stairs, trying not to trip over the couples entangled with eachother, and got up to the balcony. It was kinda quieter up here, yet there were more snogging couples and less dancing bodies. Ugh i hate this. 

Looking around for about another 10 minutes i was about to give up when i heard a familiar squeal of laughter, the type a girl would make when being tickled and wanting the tickler to stop. I turned around and there she frikkin was, sitting on top of the guy i presumed had sent me the texts. Without thinking i stormed over to them and yelled as loud as i could ''LIA!'' if my head was house, it would be on fire. 

''Oh! Hehe. Hey Ree! Where ya been? Is Nilesy with ya?''

''Lia. Your coming with me now, ive been so godamn worried!'' I said almost crying and wrapping my arms around her, ignoring the guy currently grappling her ass. 

''Reeeeee! get ooffff!'' She said gently pushing me and giggling, she had obviously been drinking, which was soooo not like her. ''Isnt this place amazing? We should totally go to clubs more often! Ahahaha!''

''Lia, com'on we gotta go. Its late, we had a train to catch soon remember?'' I said looking straight into her eyes and spreading a wobbly smile across my face.

''Oh no no nononono. Im staying here with Mike. He's gonna take me back to his place later and teach me how to play halo! Yeah Mike?''

The guy 'mike' grunted and continued to suck on her neck as if she was an icecream. Im not a genius, but i know he definetly was not going to teach her how to play halo and had something totally different on his mind. I had to get her out of here before she does it again. 

''Thats nice Lia, but he will have to teach you some over time. You've gotta meet a special friend soon yeah? Dont wanna keep him waiting!'' I laughed and really tried to keep it together. Grabbing my poor friends arm i pulled her off of the octopus guy, only for her to be pulled back down again. 

''Fuck off! This ones mine.'' 'Mike' Snorted.

I wasnt taking this. I was tired, upset, my body was aching, and i will not take this abuse. I reached out and pulled off 'Mike's' stupid blue cap, and yanked his hair with my other hand, pulling him up. I then continued to fling him over to the side whilst he screamed in protest. I then scooped up Lia's giggling body and ran the hell out of there, out of town and down the street dragging Lia behind me. Phew.

When we were a safe distance away from the scene i stopped to take a breather, hugging Lia. She felt so cold, and small in my arms. Without yeild i let the burning hot tears run out of my eyes again. This is not the way this day was meant to be. But at least its over, and im never letting it happen again.


I dont know how, but i eventually managed to drag mine and Lia's numb bodies back into our hotel room, only to find a figure sitting on one of the beds. Frick. That was when my body gave up, and letting Lia fall onto the bed by my side, i let my own collapse to the floor from exhaustion. My last thoughts before that, is im never running again. 

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