"That's him," Skye nodded towards the man pacing in front of the front door to the bar as we parked in the lot a few spaces away from a silver Mercedes. "Cross your fingers."

"What the fuck is going on here?" her father yelled before either of us had gotten more than halfway out of the Jeep. "Why is my bar under new management?" Yeah, it was already off to a fabulous start.

Her father wasn't a very impressive man. He was maybe 5'10" tall, portly and balding with a heavy jacket and jeans to help against the chill in the air. To his credit, he did share hazel eyes with Skye, but that looked to be about the only thing in her DNA that she got from him. That was good, because her mom must be as gorgeous as Skye is!

"It's not your bar. You signed it over to me. I already told you when I texted you that I sold it, and I guess the new owners haven't done anything with it yet. Oh, and hi Jack," Skye said evenly, not getting riled up by his anger. I could see the lawyer in her coming out, and it was pretty hot to see already.

"Bullshit! I want it back! That wasn't your bar to sell!" Spittle was flying from his mouth as he talked, marching over to Skye as I moved to stand next to her. He was animated when he talked, and with his arms flying all over it was hard to tell if he was going to get physical. At this point he wasn't even acknowledging my presence, which I wasn't sure was good or not.

Skye reached into her black leather jacket, pulling out a piece of paper and handing it over. "That is a copy of the agreement. Nowhere in there does it say it was temporary. I marry Ben, I get the bar. Done. Anything after that doesn't matter, because it was my bar, and I could do what I wanted."

I really thought his head was going to explode at that statement, he'd gotten so red in the face. "You're an ungrateful bitch!" he finally snarled. "That bar was supposed to just get you through college! Now that you're done it should be mine again!"

Skye scowled at the man, cocking her hip out as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Really? Then why did you put the caveat of me having to marry Ben into it? Was that supposed to help me get through college too?"

Her dad flapped his gums for a moment before grinning. "Of course! I had to make sure that the bar was run correctly! You needed a strong man for that!"

Skye and I scoffed in perfect unison. Seriously, this is why we're getting married, it was like a fucking scoff harmony. "Damn, you're so full of shit Jack! No wonder mom bailed on you. Ben doesn't have the first idea about how to run a bar. I was lucky to have him help bartend, but even then, he could only remember like half the drinks."

Her father hung his head, rubbing his temple like he had a major headache. "Is that why you divorced him? Should I have picked a different guy?"

Skye laughed out loud now. "That explains so much! No, it has nothing to do with the fact that Ben can't tend bar, and everything to do with the fact that he likes guys and I like girls."

"You do not! You two were together for years!" he screamed.

"As a cover for you! You were so fucking homophobic that I never wanted to have to come out to you! But hey, I'm out! I asked this girl here to marry me, and nothing you can do or say is going to change that!" Skye was yelling right back at him, and I just smiled as he finally took a look at me. Well, up at me. I did have a good four inches on him.

"But... But... She's black!" he stammered. "You can't!"

Skye looked over at me, then gasped as she covered her mouth in shock. "Oh my god you're right! How did I never notice that delicious chocolate skin as she lay naked underneath me every night?"

"Don't say that! Stay away from my daughter!" he screamed now. Oh my god I was trying not to laugh, but we were attracting a little bit of a crowd now as people recognized me. I saw a couple even pull their cameras out to record the scene. I reached over, putting my arm around Skye without saying a word. He wasn't ever keeping me away from her.

"Jack, just stop." She just shook her head at him with a grimace at his actions, then handed him a business card. "If you want the bar, call these guys. They're obviously losing money on it since they haven't opened it and I sold it to them over four months ago. But leave us alone. I don't need you in my life if you're going to act this way."

Jack finally looked around at the people watching now and realized what he must look like. "This isn't over!"

"Yes, it is. That contract is very clear, and I have no problem representing myself in court against a bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic asshole. I became a lawyer to help women against men like you, and it would be damned fitting to have you as my first case." Skye spoke in a low voice, but her meaning was completely serious.

"You're just like your mother!"

"I sure as hell hope so, because I wouldn't want to be like you."

"You bitch!" He stepped forward and I quickly did as well, making sure he knew I wasn't the least bit afraid of him. I guess that worked, because he quickly backed right up again.

"Nice to see you too, Jack."

"And nice to meet you!" I called out as he turned and stomped back to his car, only pausing to flip off the people recording him.

I was pretty sure he wasn't getting a wedding invitation after that.

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