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Silas Montgomery
1 week later

I woke up and went came downstairs. Scott looked at me.

Scott - where's Evie?

Silas - she's not coming

Scott  sighed and went up the stairs to the room me and Evie were sharing. I followed him.

Scott - Evie get your ass up right now. The funeral is today

Evie - I'm not going

Scott - yes the hell you are

Evie - you went against dad's wishes so I'm not going

Scott - what are you talking about?

Evie - did you not read the envelope that was given to us after he died. He wanted to be cremated , not buried. I told you that and you waved me off.

Scott - you've been wallowing in this bed for the past week. Get over it. People die.  Silas may be allowing you to lay around but I'm not so get up Geneviève.

Silas - Man she don't want to see him like that. She's hurting

Scott - and you think I'm not? Huh?  You always catering to what she wants Silas.  Pretty soon we gonna be at another funeral because she ain't taking care of herself and that unborn baby is gonna suffer because of it. 

Silas - give us a minute.

Scott walked out

I looked at Evie

Silas - I'm not gonna force you to go if you don't want to.

Evie - Scott doesn't listen.  He asked to be cremated like our mom .

Silas - I know baby.

I kissed her forehead.

Silas - I'm gonna go. Get up and eat something , okay , Solana isn't going either.  They'll be crying and  it'll scare her.

She nodded.

I went up and picked up Sol who was sleeping and brought her to Evie,


I sat and talked with some of Evie's and Scott's relatives after the funeral.

This is my first time meeting her dads side of the family and they keep looking shocked every time I say I'm Evie's husband and we have kids.

Her grandma walked over.

Scott - hey grandma

Vera - hey Scott,

She turned to me

Scott - grandma this is Evie's husband , Silas.

Vera - husband?

Silas - yes ma'am

Vera - I never thought Evie would get married , let alone live past the age of 18 with the stuff she used to do.  Where's Evie anyway?

Scott - Evie didn't want to come because she's being selfish

Silas - she didn't want to come because she didn't want to see him like that and she's home with our youngest child

Vera - Evie is a mother. I never thought I'd hear those words either.

Silas - we have 2 daughters and legal guardianship over my little sister  and a baby on the way.

Geneviève Montgomery

I went downstairs with Solana and she went immediately to the front door.

Silas - daddy

Evie - Sol daddy isn't back yet

Silas - yes I am

Silas was standing in the door way with Scott , some of my  cousins and my grandma

Salem - hi mommy

Sy'Rai - hey Evie

I smiled.


I sat and talked outside with my cousin , Jazmin.

Jazmin - who's the guy that Scott is talking to?

Scott was talking to Silas.

Evie - why?

Jazmin - girl , his friend is fine . So what's his name?

Evie - he's my husband.

Jazmin -  you lying.  You had babies with him.

Evie - yeah.  Got another one on the way. Jazmin I don't want to have to beat your ass so know your boundaries when it comes to him, okay?

Silas walked over to me

Silas - baby you okay?

Evie - I'm fine.

Jazmin - hi , I'm Evie's cousin Jazmin.

Silas - nice to meet you , I'm Evie's husband.

Jazmin - what's your name?

Silas - Evie's husband.

I got up and grabbed Silas taking him outside.

Silas - I already know what type of time she on and I'm not going for that.

Evie - okay Evie's husband.

Silas - that's all they've been calling me so that's my name for tonight.  The girls are getting called Evie's little sister , Evie's older baby  , and Evie's younger baby .

Evie - and you can't forget Evie's unborn baby

He touched my stomach.

Silas - he hasn't made his debut yet but he will.


I went downstairs to see Scott sitting at the table looking through old photo albums.

Scott - what Evie?

Evie - I just came to check on you

Scott - I'm fine

Evie - it's okay Scott.

He immediately pulled me into a hug.

Scott - I'm sorry about earlier

Evie - it's okay. I knew you were upset.  We're both grieving.

Scott - I didn't mean what I said about your baby.

Evie - you were right I wasn't taking care of myself.

Scott - I knew dad wanted to be cremated but I would've had a better piece of mind knowing where he was instead of scattering his ashes like how we did mom.

Evie - he's been flown to California to be buried next to her grave

Scott - yeah

At least he's finally with her again like he wanted.

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