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Geneviève Rinaldi
4 months later

I looked at Silas as he raced to my house. I had Salem on Christmas Day and Silas delivered her before we even got to the hospital. He then told me , that he didn't want anything else for Christmas. Salem was in the hospital for a month and when we finally took her home, he didn't put her down. He doesn't even let me hold her and I'm her mother.

My dad keeps Salem while we're at school.

Silas ran in the house and scooped up Salem and brought her to me. Sy'Rai looked at me.

Silas - did you miss me Emmy?

She smiled. Since she was born , those two have been inseparable.

SyRai - dad

My dad got up and he went outside with Rai.

I grabbed Emmy from him.

Silas - excuse you?

Evie - you're excused. This is my baby too.

Silas doesn't even sleep in the bed with me anymore. He sleeps in the chair in Salem's room.

She isn't a fussy baby at all.

Silas Montgomery

I strapped Salem in her car seat and Evie sat in the back with Sy'Rai and Salem while I drove. Evie moved in permanently before Christmas so she lives here now.

We made it home and Evie took Salem in the house and changed her.

That little girl has had me wrapped around her finger since birth.

Sy'Rai looked at me and walked in her room and shut the door.

Evie - you need to talk to her

Silas - for what?

Evie - Silas , Sy'Rai misses you. I get you love Salem but let's be real , before Salem , Sy'Rai was your first baby.

Silas - baby-

Evie - don't baby me go talk to your sister.

I walked in Sy'Rai's room and shut the door.

Silas - what's wrong Rai?

Sy'Rai - you love  Emmy more than you love Evie and me.

Silas - first of all , that's not true. I love all of y'all the same.  The only reason Salem gets the attention that she does , is because she's a baby.  She's 3 months old , she can't do the things that you do.  

Sy'Rai - sometimes you ignore me.

Silas - I don't do it on purpose. 

SyRai - it feels like it.

Silas - look how about on Saturday after Evie's meeting , we spend them together.

Sy'Rai - Salem can't come

Silas - she'll stay with Evie

Sy'Rai - you need to say sorry to Evie too. She cries at night.

Silas - no she doesn't

Sy'Rai - yes she does. You don't know because you sleep in Emmy's room.

Silas - I'll talk to her.

Sy'Rai - thank you

I walked out of SyRai's room and saw Evie laying on the couch holding Salem.

Silas - SyRai says you be crying at night

Evie - I  started having nightmares after I gave birth. The doctor say it's a common thing

Silas - what are they about?

Evie - about Emmy or you. Sometimes y'all are in danger.  All of times , it's Emmy in danger.

Silas - she said you cry

Evie - I wake up screaming and hyperventilating sometimes , sometimes I cry, when the dreams involve you.  You shouldn't worry about it though.

Silas -  I didn't know

Evie - that's fine

Silas - do you feel like I've been showing you enough attention

Evie - no but I know I won't get any attention. We have to take care of Salem, she comes first.

Silas - it's been 3 months since you had her. How did you feel after giving birth?

Evie -  absolute shit. Allison was saying how I looked so good after having Salem but I felt super bad at the time, I was depressed , even when you took care of her throughout the night  so I could sleep, I felt so bad about you losing sleep.

Silas - I'm fine.  You did all the work, I was just giving you time to rest.  I'll sleep with you tonight. Emmy will be in her own room.

Evie - okay

Geneviève Rinaldi

Silas grabbed Salem and walked out.  He just can't help himself.  I don't get him though because the last few months of my pregnancy all we did was have sex , but the moment she was born we stopped all the together and sometimes I try to initiate sex but he stops me or he goes into another room. I know we can't do it how  we used to with a baby but damn.  It's like he's not attracted to me anymore.

Salem "Emmy" Geneva Montgomery

Salem "Emmy" Geneva Montgomery

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