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Silas Montgomery

I opened the front door to see Javel and Coi standing there.

Silas - hey y'all

Coi - hey Si

Javel - hey

I let them in.

Evie came from out the kitchen and grabbed my keys.

Evie - baby let's go.

Javel - hello Geneviève

Evie - hey Vel.

Evie rolled her eyes at Coi and walked out.


Javel Ivory

Silas and Evie walked off from me and Coi , leaving us alone. We're at an arcade.

Coi - did he really ditch me for her?

Vel - oh my god. He ditched you for his girlfriend . Wow.

Coi - okay smart ass

Javel - come on

I grabbed her hand, taking her out the building.

Coi - Javel where we going?

Javel - a movie. I know I said I would hang with Silas and Evie but I don't wanna be around all that.

Coi - you can go to the movie by yourself.

Javel - no.

Coi - I don't wanna see a movie.

Javel - what you wanna do then?

Coi - do you have weed?

I smiled

Javel - always

She grabbed my hand leading me down to the beach in this cave.

She grabbed my hand leading me down to the beach in this cave

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I side- eyed her.

Coi - ain't nobody gonna do nothing to you

Javel - what about with me?

Coi -  show me the weed first.

I pulled a bag of my pocket and rolling papers.

She reached for it but I snatched the bag back.

Javel - what you gonna give me?

Coi - what you want?

Javel - a date

Coi - no. I'll give you head.

Javel - alright. Do it then

She dropped to her knees.

Silas Montgomery

I wrapped my arm around Evie as we went down to the beach.

Evie - what?

Silas - I'm thinking about Emmy and Sy'Rai

Evie - they're fine. Scott and Liv are watching them to prepare themselves for their baby.

Silas - I know they're good.

Evie -  where are Coi and Javel?

Silas - I don't know and I don't care

Evie - isn't Coi your friend Silas?

Silas - she starting to become my enemy . I see the way she looks at you

Evie - but you say nothing

Silas - I don't have to say anything to her. She'll know when she's cut off because I warned her

Evie - at least Javel is cool and Emmy likes him

Silas - he bribes Sy'Rai and Emmy with candy , well Emmy , Rai only takes cash

Evie -  you can tell he likes kids

Silas - I know.

I looked up and saw Javel and Coi walked out of a cave. Coi wiped her mouth and Javel was trying to fix his pants

Silas - don't try to act like nothing happened.

Javel  looked at Coi and smiled.

Silas - y'all ready?

Coi - yeah

We left.

Geneviève Rinaldi

I went in the house behind Silas once Javel and Coi left.

Silas - I'm gonna go get my baby

Evie - babe she's fine. We promised them we would get them tomorrow morning

Silas - I miss her

Evie - l'm sure she misses you too

We went upstairs.

I turned on a movie.

Silas pulled me into his lap.

He kissed my cheek.

Coi Zimmerman

I made it home and got a text from Javel.

Vel 💙🍃
When are we gonna do this again?

I rolled my eyes and called him.

Javel - hey

Coi - what makes you think we'll do this again?

Javel - you throughly enjoyed it , so why not?

Coi  - Javel  I can tell you want more than what I'm willing to offer you

Javel - and I'll content not getting more as long you bringing that mouth.

Coi - shut up.

Javel - I'm just playing

Coi - no you wasn't

Javel - don't get mad baby. I offered you a date and you said no.   Ain't no point in holding out hope for Silas because him and Evie are basically married at this point, so you might as well stick with me

Coi - why do you wanna take me out?

Javel  - Coi don't you think you deserve that?

Coi - I don't.

Javel -    Let me take you on one date.  A real date.

Coi - what counts as a real date?

Javel - dinner and enjoying company. What was you thinking?

Coi - my dates are normally free trail relationships where we got get fast food and then sex in the back of their car.

Javel - we ain't doing that. 


Coi - okay

Javel - I'll pick you up tomorrow night

Coi - okay

Javel - night gorgeous

I smiled

Coi - night Vel

He hung up.

I wanna see how far this will go. I don't have very high expectations.

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