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Geneviève Montgomery

I sighed as I walked out the villa. Silas has been hellbent on staying inside all day and I couldn't do that.

We're in a whole another country and he wants to stay in.

I walked into this clothing store and saw Lorenzo.

I smiled and waved at him.

He walked over

Lorenzo - Geneviève , it's so good to see you

Evie - you too.

Lorenzo - where's your husband?

Evie - back at the villa.  Where's your lady friend?

Lorenzo - she went back to the United States.

Evie - really ? Wow.

Lorenzo - you just in here looking around.

Evie - I'm looking for something to bring back to my kids

Lorenzo - you have kids?

Evie - yeah. Three girls

Lorenzo -  bet they are as beautiful as their mother.

I smiled.


I smiled as Lorenzo told me about himself. He has a little boy named Michele ( Mi-Kel- lay).  He's Salem's age.

Lorenzo - so what do you do for work?

Evie - I don't work.

Lorenzo -  grew up rich huh?

Evie - no. Just inherited  it after a family member passed away.

Lorenzo -   What about Silas?

Evie - he used to be a private chef.

Lorenzo - is he any good?

Evie - the best and I'm not just saying that because I'm married to him.

Lorenzo smiled.

Evie - have you ever been married?

Lorenzo - no, I'm trying to find the one. Me and my son's mom didn't work out and the woman has vowed to make my life hell because she wanted me to be a sugar daddy and not a boyfriend

Evie - so is that what you do now?

Lorenzo - in a way yes, every girlfriend I've ever had , I turned into a sugar daddy to them at one point.

Evie - it's because you shower them with gifts all the time and that's what they expect out of you. I feel like you shouldn't tell them you have money to see if they really like you.   Lorenzo you're great guy , let's be honest but if you base your entire personality around materialism that's all they see.

Lorenzo - alright.

My phone rang, it was  Silas.

Evie - excuse me for a moment.

I went outside the restaurant to  answer him.

Silas - where are you?

Evie - near the restaurants and shopping center.  I met Lorenzo when I came out here and he's been good company

Silas -  can you bring me back something to eat

Evie -  what are you doing anyway?

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