Chapter 37: Ontop The Roof of Auradon Prep

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     He didn't seem to hear my words, however, as a green fog began to appear around him. He didn't say anything as his eyes became a blank, green light, and his face became expressionless. With a blinding flash of green light, Virgil seemingly vanished, and a mouse scurried out of the chair as the ropes fell uselessly around it. Quickly, Remus attempted to catch him. He succeeded, holding the mouse tightly but carefully in his hands. "Ow! He bit me!" Remus complained, but still he held on.

     I grabbed a jar of buttons from my night stand, and dumped out the buttons onto the bed before holding the jar to Remus. He put Virgil in and I quickly closed the jar, watching the black mouse with a purple tail and glowing green eyes run around in the jar. "Will that work?" Janus asked, his question followed by another flash of light. The four of us made sure to surround the jar, our guard ready for whatever might happen. Virgil transformed into an armadillo, his hard shell shattering the jar due to his sudden increase in size. Leaping out of my arms, he began to roll towards the door.

     As Roman reached down to catch him, Virgil turned into a crow and launched himself into the air. Janus reached up his cane in order to catch him, but Virgil evaded the cane and flew towards the window. At the last minute he turned into an armadillo again, breaking through the glass like a cannon ball. There was no time to be shocked or impressed. We all ran out of the dorm and quickly followed Roman, who said he knew how to get up to the roof.

     Virgil's POV
     (Warning for mind control, restraining, self deprecation, verbal abuse, manipulation, and attempting suicide)

     Once out of the window, I transformed back into a crow, and then to a raven, and then grew in size until I was myself but with wings. I stepped onto the roof, and stumbled as my wings morphed into my back. Stepping forward, my surroundings blurred, my body stinging in pain, my mind blank, I fell to the ground... or, fell against the roof.

     "Virgil!" I heard a barely familiar voice cry out. I could hear people running towards me as my vision faded completely. "Virgil, you're going to be okay." A much calmer voice than the former assured me. "Let's get you back to your dorm, okay?" A soft voice asked me. I allowed them to help me up, wincing at the vibrating pain that was racing up my nerves with every touch. "Look at you." A much colder voice than the three before it scoffed. This voice, unlike the others, was all too familiar to me.

     My vision returned to me as I opened my eyes, and an image of my mother made of green fog appeared before me. "Pathetic. My Heir is being carried by a group of nobodies he barely knows." My mother sighed, shaking her head in disapproval. "Virgil, it's not real." The third voice told me, my left arm around his shoulders as he lead me to the roof's exit. I looked to my left, and recognized Emile, whom I was leaning on the most for support. "Keep your attention on us." The second voice instructed. I looked forward to see Logan guiding us, holding the door to the roof's stairwell open.

     "You trust these people over me, your own mother?" My mother gasped, greatly offended by this. "I taught you everything you know... I am the only one with the power to take this curse away. Just set me free, my child. That's all I ask of you. If these people really cared about you, they'd do so themselves. Don't you think?" She mused, placing hands made of mist on my shoulders. My mind felt blank, foggy, heavy. It was hard to respond to any of this.

     "You're the one that cursed him in the first place!" The first voice shouted. I turned to face my right, watching as Patton waved the illusion away. "My, my." I heard my mother say, appearing in front of us. "Very well then... Honestly, I'm glad you've decided to betray me." My mother mused, leaning against the doorframe and checking her transparent nails. "Now you'll no longer be a nuisance to me. I'm sure my next heir will be far better than you were. You'll be doing me a favour by exhausting Auradon's leaders while they struggle to take care of such a needy coward." My mother decided. With a shocked gasps from a teary eyed Patton, and an evil chuckle from my mother, the illusion disappeared.

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