Her face was all red due to loud crying, i hugged her tightly close to my heart and I was trying to calm her as it was not good to her crying this much for her mother, I know my daughter is crying for me, she loves me more than anything.

After half an hour she calmed and I made her drink her milk which she was not ready to drink, after giving her light bath I got her ready in her favourite frock in red colour,red colour is my daughter 's favourite colour,while giving her bath I too changed my clothes as I already had bath before.

I got ready in formal outfit while putting eye liner and just lip balm I got ready, as I worked in one of the best company here."THE MALHOTRA ENTERPRISES " after dropping my daughter to the kindergarten where one of my knowing aunty works, she is sweet and loves my daughter a lot as she and her husband doesn't have any child, I know it's not right for a year old to be in kindergarten but I can't take her with me even though no one will say anything but still I don't feel good about taking her with me, and by the way, my daughter likes to play there and with children.

I earned for my baby and for myself but don't know why Avinash saw us as a burden, I took care of my every expenses and my daughter 's, but still he behaves like he is the only one who is earning.

Well, let's forget about this for sometimes.

As i was about to stepped inside then suddenly heared my name was calling from nowhere then I was about to turned around but I got engulfed in a tight hug by someone from the behind, and again she closed my eyes from the behind and I know what is coming next

It was my friend ruhi, actually her full name is ruhani, but we called her ruhi as it's cute, and it's match with her personality, we are friends from our college days.

She was the only one who asked me to be her friend as everyone in the college used to call me nerd.

Well It was very painful that time but I just try to ignore them because I was not interested to explain my situation I let them think whatever they want.

I was in my thought then suddenly she yelled which made me come back to this real cruel world.

Ruhi: AHANA!!! tell me who am I ?(she said my name tighting her hold on my eyes like it was the first time when we met she is like this from the starts but )

I must say she was always so confident and she is so clever but sometimes kind for the people who deserves kindness, and me?

Totally opposites of her with less confidence and not clever enough to understand people's intentions but kind with my whole heart I think this is the thing because of I am there with my daughter.

Sometimes I think how it would be when I didn't got married with Avinash maybe today it's Avinash but what if there was someone else, there would be no chance that, there will be love.

Who would loves me, like a husband and a wife does, there would be no chance that he would loves my daughter, like a father have love for his daughter.

Ahana: I don't know who you are but I think it's ruhi, my best friend.

I played with with her I know she was having a pout behind me right now she is so childish then she leaves me and came infront of me and said, Being sad.

Ruhi: yaa!!! why the hell you always understands that it was me.

she said pouting cutely, while looking at me with a glare

Ahana: what should I do? I am tolerating you since our college days and about my understanding I always got you because there was no one who talks with me, rather than you and our manager

I said smiling sadly, and she sign then said.

Ruhi: don't be so gloomy at early morning and did you forget why the hell they feels jealous from you because Mr.malhotra always gave you big opportunity not them.

she said honestly and truth.

As every employee in malhotra enterprises are jealous from me just because Mr.malhotra always chooses me to any big deal to work with him and managing everything even if it's needed, thinking that I left a sign saying.

Ahana: what should I do now, they  think that I had seduced Mr.malhotra to work with him even i always saw him as my father figure and he too treated me like her daughter.

I replied and she shook her head saying.

Ruhi: you are right and let them think whatever they want they are the one who will be ready to warm beds just for promotion well how is your lovely husband?

Ahana: everything is fine you know him very well.

I said being gloomy again when she mentions him, my husband.

Ruhi: why the HECK are you even tolerating him when you are independent woman?

she said being little angry and I was about to say something but she.)

Ruhi: now, don't tell me again just because of khushi and his parents you are bearing him.

she cut me off from the middle and said while rolling her eyes on me frustratedly.

As she know everything about my messed life, she was the only one that time when I was getting married to him, she trys to make me understand but I didn't listen to her even she saw him with a girl and that girl was none other than my husband 's girlfriend, rikki, but as I said before.

I was never ready to marry him, I wanted to marry him because his mother wants me to do this marriage which become a curse for me and my daughter life, I will never ever let him do something to my daughter, I love her the most.

Ruhi , my best friend, we are friends since our college days, one day when I was getting bullied by my seniors , she saved me from them, she was there with me at my good and at my worst she is a true friend, and am very lucky to have her as my one and only best friend.

Dikshant, he is also my friend, he met with us in our college also, he was our senior, he fell for ruhi when they both were partner in one of our cultural project.

One day at the day of Valentine's day he proposed ruhi, and ruhi being ruhi after throwing some tantrums she accept him, and until now they both are in a relationship.

He is a nice guy , he is a computer  engineer, I must say he is such a intelligent person with nice physic, I smiled remembering that day when he proposed ruhi infront of the whole college.

she was having tears being all emotional as he was very famous in our college as he was used to play football, and he was leader too, so every girl in our college used to like him, he was heartthrob of our college.

That day I thought maybe there will be someone who would propose me like dikshant one day, but that day never comes, well, now I have a husband whom I respect as a husband but I never fall for him.

I never love him like a lover but that doesn't mean that i didn't care about him even a little, as a wife I always gave my hundred percent to our relationship.

But it was never enough to, even bring some little sweetness in our toxic relationship I wish I would love him with my all heart but the day I got to know about his girlfriend rikki.

My little hope broken that day, my little heart got broken that day when I saw him in someone else 's arms I thought maybe after our marriage I would be happy but fuck my fate I never fall for him.

Maybe because he never make me fall for him, he never respects me, never understands me but just uses me as his sex slave, he never even talk with me with respect, he always make me feel like am just a burden on his shoulder.

At least am not alone anymore, i have my princess my only one and precious happiness, my little daughter I will never going to let my situation harm on her.

I will be the one who have to fight with every odds of this world I want to give my princess a beautiful life , full of happiness without any single tears.



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