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"A delivery?" I kinda confused.

"Hmm" Mr Jacob sighed, nod his head and continues, "I think a day ago, a guy called me and personally request a large order of pastries for an occasion"

"Are you sure you didn't fall into some sort of scam or something?" Lori asked him in suspicion. Exactly, I thought about the same thing.

"No. That guy already paid me an advance on that day" My Jacob told us.

Gavin sneered, "And exactly how much. Thousand dollars?"

Mr Jacob scoffed and put his phone on the table. The bank app displayed on the screen, showing his bank account balance.

"Two, five, zero..."

"HOLY FUCK!" Glavin yelled out. I gave him a look.

"How in the hell you have 2.5 million dollars?!" he questioned Mr Jocb in the state of shock.

"Wait what?" I checked those numbers again. My jaw instanrly dropped. With this sum of money, he can buy a bigger store than current one. Or even he could open more branches.

"Exclude those five hundred thosand dollars, the two million paid by that man" he chuckled.

Okay now, I'm seriously going to pass out. And Gavin beat me up to it.

"Either that man was stupid or rich as fuck" Yona pointed out, still can't get her eyes from the screen. Please girl. It just take a week for you to earn that kind of money.

"Guess we have no choice then" Megan said and Mr Jacob totally agreed with her.

"So, when this order need to be done?" I asked him. If this anonymous person generous enough to pay us such a large sum, then as pastry chef I need to satisfy his orders.

He sheepishly, scratch the back of his head. "Tomorrow"



Parking the car on the empty space, I turned off the enjine and get out. My back litearlly ache because of the long drive. Why the hell does this guy living all the way in Boston? Is this place doesn't have any bakery shop at all? Or maybe he visited our cafe before and like our pastries.

Shooing away my thoughts, I open the boot of my car and sighed, staring at thise boxes. A total of hundred small boxes filled with five type of pasties in each of it. After the bombshell Mr Jacob thrown at us, me and my team took almost seven hours to finish this order.

I glanced at the tall building behind me and sighed out again. Now I have to bring all these goods and deliver it on the top of the floor. And my muscles are all aching up already.

A sly smile litted my face, prepare to use my special weapon. A simple lightweight portable trolley. Always came in handy.

"Whoosh" I breathed out in relief, placing all the goods on the cart.

The bright and warm sunlight enlightens my day. The sunny day even matched my outfit. I wore a classic black V-Neck blouse and white jeans.

"Let's go" I started wheel the trolley and headed into the building.

The moment I stepped in, my whole body pleased over the chillness from the air inside of this building. I halted the trolley at the side of the wall and walk to the reception area.

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