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The day has been usual in the Cafe and eveyone keep working regardless of being tired. Especially, back in the kitchen, Gable and Lori didn't dared to make a slight mistake.

Not because it could runied the taste and texture of the apple pie and butterscotch cookies they've been making. But afraid from getting scold or earn a single glance from the woman infront of them who continusly releasing deathly chill.

Lucky for them, her front directly facing the wall. However, it didn't meant to let their guard down.

Gable leaned closer to Lori and whispered, "Should I take a sick leave?"

"And you want to leave me alone with her. Hell no!" she yelled out quietly.

Rolling his eyes, he's about to speak, a loud bang caused both of them jolted out. It was from none other than the woman they're talking about.

She tilted her head behind. "Sorry. My hand got slipped" she sounded way much than a warning.

Both of them gulped down to their throat and continued back on their work.

Someone pushed open the door and Megan shows up. They both sighed in relief when their savior just arrived in time.

"Lori, are the blue muffins ready yet?"

"Yeah. I just have to sprinkle some icing sugar" she replied, proceed to do it right away.

Megan nodded and stared at the person who gave creepy vibes. She shook her head when seeing her abnormal behavior over the past few days. It never change till now.

"Hey Gable. Mr Jacob is looking out for you"

Gable scrunched his eyebrows. "Okay. I'll catch up with him later"

Megan gave him a look. Obviously, he didn't get her intention. She added, "I think it's about to give you a raise or something"

Gavin eyes lit up in excitement. She scoffed. 'Dream on'

"Holy Yes! Finally" he shouted out in joy and dashed from there in instant.

She chuckled and told Lori to put those blueberry muffins inside the glass counter. Leaving only her and the haunted woman alone.

Dusting a generous amount of flour on the metallic surface, she put dough on the top of it. Using her bare hand, she slowly begin to knead it.

While she's working on it, Megan gathered the ingredients for the cranberry jam.

"So, what was this whole sulky thing about?" Megan initiate the conversation.

Even listened to it, she pretend like didn't heard her voice. Megan get pissed as she snapped, "Okay Syd! Just because you're going to get married to a total stranger, it doesn't mean you can avoid us"

Sydney stopped twisting the dough and opened her mouth. She wished to say something but whatever has been running onto her mind made her turned silence.

Using the rolling pin, she flattened the dough to a centimeter and a half inch depth. Megan suprised on how Sydney got to measure the thickness of the dough without using any ruler or even finger. Her eyes is enough for her to do ii in total perfection.

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