Chapter 18: My boyfriend.

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Anthony: Aw Shane! So what are you gonna do?

Shane: I mean the others don't even know i'm gay so maybe i should say that first, but what if Joey doesn't like me back?

[Anthony's POV]

He did i have known for a long time now that Joey likes Shane. Matt told me but i swore i wouldn't tell Shane or anyone, it's really sweet they both like eachother but they don't know they do which is gonna change tonight hopefully, yeah i knew about Joey's dare.

Anthony: You know Shane, if he doesn't what can go wrong? It's not like he would be the most disgusted person in the world he is gay in fact and you two have already connected so well!

Shane: Your right i just need to look at the bright side. Now i just gotta figure out how i'm gonna tell Joey.

I smiled at him and he smiled back, it was great to know one of your bestfriend's to fall in love i know he has had Meghan and Lisa but with Meghan it felt like a good friendship with some kissing here and there and with Lisa it was straight up forced.

[Joey's POV]

Me and Sawyer had been hanging for a long time now and it was really nice talking to him. He told me a lot about the school before i came, and i asked f course about the football thing and yeah they have been playing and they still do just not that often only at important games. I also explained much about Boston and how different it was from here. There was only half and hour till we should get to Tyler so we decided just to walk there since it wasn't that far from where we were. We soon arrived at Tyler's house, we walked up and knocked.

Tyler: hi guys!

We walked in the living room and we were all here now, Shane, Sawyer, Anthony, Matt, Nick, Troye and me.

Matt: Let's play truth or dare now!

We all sat in a circle and soon Tyler came back with a water bottle we used.

Tyler: Okay who want's to go first?

Sawyer: Give me that bottle haha!

Sawyer spinned and i landed on Troye

Sawyer: Troye truth or dare?

Troye: truth!

Sawyer: how many boyfriend's have u had in your life?

Troye: um... only two

Tyler: Including me!

Troye giggled

Troye: Next one!


Troye: truth or dare Nick?

Nick: dare!

Troye: Ask the neighbors for a cup of sugar haha!

Nick: What why!

Troye: It's your dare!

Nick: ugh fine!

We all laughed and Nick walked out the house and over to Tyler's neighbor's house, later came Nick in with a full bag of sugar and we all laughed at him.

Joey: haha what did the neighbor say?

Nick: she was like, yeah sure just hold on and she came with this freaking huge bag of sugar haha

Joey: hahaha

Matt: Okay next one!

And the game continued and we all did crazy things, but then the bottle came on Shane and Matt gave me a look.

The day you changed (Shoey Dawceffa)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant