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*Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker*

Everything you cared about was being laid to rubble around you. You had just lost your brother and one of your bestfriends at the hands of an old friend who had nothing but a genetic mutation.

Peter Parker had tried to hide his identity from you for a while now and you found out at the worst time possible. Specifically because Harry Osborn had abducted you and spilled your friends secrets. That was after killing your brother right infront of your eyes as you were chained to the far walls of a wherehouse.

Your screams echoed and didn't stop until your throat felt hoarse even then Harry hadn't stopped the torture. You knew nobody could hear you from where you were but that didn't stop you from shouting for him to stop and screwing your eyes shut so tightly as you screamed that your head began to hurt.

You begged for someone to stumble upon the building and stop this madness as if it were a dream you could stop so easily by opening your eyes. But your plans to distract yourself and act as if your brothers body wasn't lying limp 10 feet away from you died as you felt a hand angle your face so you were looking slightly up.

You kept your eyes closed and whimpered slightly as you felt his breathing across your face.

"Open your eyes sweetheart."

You tried to pull your face away but stopped when his grip tightened around your neck holding you in place. Your eyes shot open and your breathe caught in your throat as you locked eyes with the boy you once knew, who was now just a vessel for the evil being inside of him.

"No one will find you here, as for him," he turned his face slightly to glance at your brother "I'm sorry. Truly, I am. He just kept pushing and demanding I let you go. But who was he to tell me what to do with sweet little Y/n." you had no idea why he was acting like this, targeting you of all people.

About a minute or two went by where he only stared at you, Harry seemed to be examining every square inch of your face. You stared back, small tears running down your cheeks as you tried to hold them back.

You hoped that someone would stumble upon the place wether it be an accident, you just needed saving. However it soon dawned on you when Harry let his grip fall from your face and left you sitting there, that you were alone. The chains holding you down felt like they were burning you, and it was all you needed for you to know that it was really happening.

There could be a possibility that you would be found, that possibility was inconveniently smaller than you would have hoped considering your brother was one of the very few people you had left. And now, because of Harry all you had left was your best friend Peter Parker and his Aunt May who treated you like her own. As you sat there, you eyes strained on the floor underneath you, all you could do was hope that Harry hadn't touched them.

It felt like hours had passed, and maybe they had, with no way to know how long Harry had held you hostage and no way of leaving, you felt like you were loosing your mind. Everything was silent until you heard a loud crash and a cackle. Shivers raced from head to toe as you listened out for any tells on what might be happening in the upstairs half of the wherehouse.

You knew the only person who could have located you held two identities, both of which you knew and you were terrified for the way this could end. You would either loose the Harry you knew before and missed so much, entirely. Or you would loose your bestfriend, the boy you had known since you were little, the boy who kept hold of a secret. You knew this secret, you were one of the very few who did, but knowing he had some sort of powers and healing properties didn't stop you from worrying.

Another crash sounded which was soon followed by a few single crashes, repeatedly sounding after eachother and ending with a thump.

It was now or never.

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