reassurance and sleeping beuties

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*Andrew Garfield*

You and Andrew are getting ready for a party but you are having a hard time deciding what to where.

As usual.

You looked at yourself in the mirror with an unsure smile "Babe, what about this one? Does it look okay?" You asked for like the tenth time.

Andrew nodded "I've told you looks - woah!" He stopped his side rant as he looked you up and down. You turned around to see him biting his lip and you nod "I guess this is what I'll wear then"

Andrew crossed his arms with a pout "No because all the boys are going to stare at you"

You walked away from the mirror and over to sit on his lap "Well it's a good thing I'm yours and only yours then isn't it" you placed your arms around his neck and placed your lips on his.

When you pulled away you watched him look you up and down again "Andrew stop! You're making me selfconscious!"

He shakes his head at your winning and stands up, taking you with him. He walks you over to the mirror and stands you infront of it as he stands behind you.

You watch your reflection in the mirror as he rests his chin on your shoulder and wraps his arms around your waist, quickly kissing your temple before locking eyes with you in the mirror.

"You have nothing to be worried about baby, I'm looking at you like this because you look stunning and breathtakingly beautiful"

Your heart melted at his words as you turned around to look up at him "Do we have to go? I want to stay here and chill with you"

Andrew looked down at you, his arms still wrapped around your waist "I think we should watch a movie instead"

You smiled before pecking his lips and pulling yourself away from him.

He watched you walk towards the bathroom "Where are you going?"

You look back at him confused "To change?"

He pouted at you as he took a seat on the bed against the headboard "No, dont change you look amazing"

You giggle as you join him on the bed "Okay...but what are we watching?"

He pulled you onto his lap with a grin "Whatever it is won't get my full attention, you will" he gently kissed you, pulling you closer and deepening the kiss with a hand on the back of your head.

You hummed into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck to run your fingers through his hair.

When you pulled away, he gently turned you around and put a blanket over the two of you.

You grabbed the remote and put sleeping beuty on.

About halfway into the film, Amdrew looked down at you to see you were asleep. He gently leant down and kissed your forehead "Goodnight my sleeping beuty" he continued to watch the film and later fell asleep with a protective arm wrapped gently around you.

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