what harry said

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*Tom Holland*

You Tom and Harry all decided to spend the day at an open feild you found when you were younger.

You have been friends with the brothers since forever, you and Harry were the closest. He knew you started to like Tom whilst filming his first Spiderman movie and it took you ages to convince him not to tell him.

You were all playing around and Harry made the three of you sit down.

"Harry what are we doing?"

He grinned at you "We're playing a game of Truth or Dare but minus the Dare part"

Tom chuckled at his brothers words "So just loads of questions"

You huff and lie down on your back knowing Harry was up to something "I don't want to play"

Tom reached over and pulled you forward to pull you back up "Come on Y/n, play the game"

You looked at him and saw his smile grow, you couldn't say no to him "Okay fine"

Harry clapped "Okay, Tom. When was the last time you lied?"

Tom glanced at you before slowly nodding "Last week"

You gasped "Wait when?"

"That wasn't my question Y/n"

"Tom! That's not fair!"

He shook his head playfully at you "Okay then Y/n" you looked at Tom and waited for him to continue "Who was your first celebrity crush?"

"I didn't have one"

Harry started laughing so you whacked him in the chest "Shut up you goat!"

Tom laughed "Wait what? You didn't have one, you had to!"

"I did but it's not important"

Harry stood up "I have to go"

Both you and Tom stood up too "Why?"

"I just have things to do"

You and Tom said goodbye to Harry and he started walking away. Once he was sort of far away he stopped walking and turned around "TOM!"

The two of you turned to look at him and your face fell.

Harry started shouting again "Y/N LIKES YOU! KISS HER ALREADY!!"

He left and you sat back down on the grass, cross legged. Tom joined you and the pair of you sat in silence before you looked up "Ignore him. It was stupid and he was lying about it"

You couldve sworn you saw his face fall but decided it was a figment of your imagination.

"Okay" he paused for a moment before smiling "You didn't answer my question truthfully Y/n"

You shook your head a little "I did. I didn't really have one, I'm weird like that"

"Well you are weird but like - you're not that weird...right?"

"Tom! Okay first of all that is definitely not true and I honestly didn't have one that was worth telling about"

Tom's face lit up "Oh so you did have one?"

You smirked "Yea, you brother"

He looked like he wanted to throw up which made your smirk grow.

"WHAT? My brother? That's gross!"

You shrugged as you played with a peice of grass "Meh. Not as bad as the crush I had on you-" your head snapped up to look at Tom the moment you stopped talking.

"So what Harry said was true?"

You watched him closely, completely silence and watched how he looked serious but also looked like he was hiding a smile.

"Past tense Tom"

"How long ago was this then?"

You sigh and shake your head slightly "Whilst we were filming your first Spiderman movie"

He couldn't hear you due to the fact you were quietly mumbling "What was that?"

"I said whilst we were filming your first Spiderman movie Tom"

"Ohhh" he raised his eyebrows at you and then his expression turned into a smirk "Oh"

"Shut up Tom that was ages ago"

"That's not what Harry said"

You scoff as you cross your arms "When has Harry ever been right?"

Tom shook his head at you "Hey! That's my brother. And remember when he told me that Z was cheating on me? Or the time he said you were going to wear blue and you showed up wearing blue?"

"As if! That was probably just luck or he'd seen it before"

"Well I wouldn't blame you for having a huge crush on me"

You sit there and shake your head "Oh as if? What makes you such an amazing boyfriend?"

Tom grinned "Well for starters I am an amazing person in general, and I would make a really good boyfriend"

"Tom that doesn't answer my question does it?"

"Well why don't you tell me why I'd make an amazing boyfriend?"

You look down and keep your eyes on the grass you're playing with "Well I already know you're good company, you're a really nice and simple boy. I think anyone would be lick to have you as a boyfriend Tom it's just you're never treated right"


You look up to see him genuinely smiling "Yes Tom, really"

"Can I ask you that question again and you answer truthfully this time?"

"Whatever it is, Yes"

"What? You don't even know what I was going to say"

"I think I do"

"No you don't"

"Tom. Just ask the question"

"Okay. Is what Harry said true?"

You stayed silent for a moment.

He's going to hate me!! I really like him and then Harry had to tell him after I asked him not too. I'm not trusting him again.

You sigh as you look him dead in the eyes with a straight face "Yes"

"Well then Y/n, I'm taking you on a date Friday"

"But that's tomorrow"

He smiled and nodded "I know".

You grinned as you shook your head "Okay. But I have something I need to do"

He grinned knowingly "I'll help you if you want?"


He helped you up and you both started to walk across the feild towards his house. Tom gently grabbed your hand and interlocked them, you smiled up at him and redirected your focus back to walking.

Once the two of you walked into his house and quietly closed the door behind you, you both walked into the living room to see Harry was asleep on the sofa.

You looked up at Tom and shushed him before grabbing two pillows and giving him one. You both nodded at eachother and hit harry with the pillows scaring him awake. He jumped up and rolled over the back of the sofa to stand up and look at you both with an innocent smile "What did I do?"

You scoffed throwing the pillow at him "Oh shut up Holland!"

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