her peters

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*Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker*
*Spiderman nwh spoilers but with my own twist so not everything is right and is based off a really cool tik tok I saw a few weeks back*
*Peter 1 = Tom Holland's*
*Peter 2 = Toby Maguire's*
*Peter 3 = Andrew Garfield's*

Y/n, Ned and Mj all sat around a kitchen table.

The three of them had all gone back to Ned's house whilst they wait to hear from Peter. Y/n knowing her brother knew he was going through alot. She had just got a message from Peter telling her Aunt May had been killed.

Y/n didn't know how to act so she let the tears spill and ignored what Mj was telling her, until she heard a sizzling sound and saw and orange spark "Ned, do that again."

The boy looked at Y/n feeling bad and did the magic movement with his hands creating a portal which saw out into an alleyway. The three of them gasped when they saw spiderman standing there.

Y/n stood up from her seat and stood there silent as Ned and Mj called out for Peter.

Spiderman jumped through the portal and it closed behind him. Ned's grandma started freaking out so he took off his mask and held his hands out trying to reassure her that he's a good person.

As Y/n got a good look at his face, her mind clouded over and a flash of pictures were unlocked from a far part of her memory. She saw how close the was with him, but not in a sibling way...but then she felt like she was falling but she wasn't in any danger. Y/n snapped out of her daze when Mj placed a hand on her shoulder "Y/n, are you ok?" she looked at the dark haired girl and saw she was holding a bread roll in her free hand.

Y/n then turned her head and accidentally locked eyes with Peter.


Her name felt familiar as it traveled from his lips to her ears.

Mj raised her hand holding the bread roll "How do you know Y/n?"

Peter raised his arms up as if he was surrendering "I - she was my girlfriend!"

Ned shook his head "What? No she wasn't I've known her all my life"

"No you haven't Ned."

The three all turned to look at Y/n as she took a seat at the table "I have these memories, they don't feel like mine and...and I know you" she looked up at Peter and tilted her head "Before I forgot you I was falling why?"

Peter's face fell as he stood there silent for a few minutes, tears evident in his eyes "Dr conners was trying to turn the whole of New York into lizards, you and Gwen tried to help but something went wrong."

Y/n laughed to herself as she swallowed a mouthful of her coffee "He killed me...and then I woke up here with no memories except the fact our Peter Parker from this universe is my brother." She saw the looks on her two friend's faces "Look we can talk about this more later but right now we need to get to my brother and help him. So Ned, find him."

The boy rose his arms and opened another portal but some random guy walked through it and it closed behind him.

Y/n accidentally made eye contact with him and a bunch of memories showed themselves like a movie only she could watch.

She missed the meeting between the other four and stood up knowing something was going to happen between the two spidermen.

Y/n rose her hands and let a blue aura glow (like uptop) as she shot a ball of energy to the casual dressed man making him fly back and stay pinned against the wall.

Mj's eyes widened as she looked between her bestfriend and the random man "Y/n what are you doing?"

"I know him."

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