projects and family illnesses

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*Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker*

You and peter had been paired to work together for a science project for the past three weeks, the project is due in two days and you have no work done whatsoever.

You both decided it would he best to do the project as his because well, you didn't want him at yours because your brother Harry was going through a rough patch at the moment.

The pair of you were sitting in his room, you on his bed and him at his desk. He was doing the research and you were taking notes.

You were trying to write something down but stopped feeling someone's eyes on you, when you looked up peter was looking at you blankly.

"What do you want parker?"

"Nothing" the boy turned back around and started looking through the website again.


A few hours passed and you looked at your phone to see it was 10:25pm. You had to be home at 11pm and you lived on the other side of town.

You quietly sigh as you begin to pack your things away. Peter turned to look at you after hearing the movements "what are you doing y/n?"

"I have to head home peter, my brother will kill me if i'm late"

"Okay, let me walk you"

"No, it's fine i have my earphones"


"Peter i said it's fine, i'll be fine"

You get up and he walks you to the front door, just before you leave the front porch you hear peter call your name. You turn around to look at him "yes parker?"

"What? no goodbye kiss?"

"In your dreams"

"Alot more happens in my dreams y/n" he winks at you and goes to close the door, leaving you there stunned. But he opened the door again "oh and y/n?"

You snap out of it and look back up at him "hm?"

"Don't get kidnapped"

"I will don't worry"

You playfully roll your eyes and wave at him as you leave his front porch, putting your earphones in and playing your favourite song.

It took a while but you eventually got home and as you walked in the door you turned around to see harry staring at you.

"You're late home n/n"

"By a minute harry"

"Whatever, don't do it again something could've happened"

"Well it didn't. i'll be at peter's late again tomorrow night, i might even stay" you saw the look he was giving you and rolled your eyes at him "relaxe it's for a project that's due in two days, we have to finish it okay?"

He only nods at you before turning away and leaving the room, entering his office.

But you watch him walk away and notice something on the back of his neck. Green scales.

Fuck! Not now!

You run as fast as you can up the stairs and into your room, slamming the door shut behind you.

You grab your phone and call peter, knowing he might be able to help you seeing as he is - Well he's spiderman!

[Y/n] "peter, i have a major problem right now and-"

[Peter] "y/n slow down okay? what happened?"

[Y/n] "it's my brother peter, it's the illness. again.

[Peter] "I'm on my way okay? just calm down and breathe"

[Y/n] "okay...thank you parker"

When he arrives and comes through your window he finds you rummaging through your desk, trying to find your dad's book.

He gently grabs your wrists making you look up at him "peter i have to find it, i can't loose him too. i can't"

He doesn't let go of you, he kindly pulls you into his arms and you grab onto his shirt, resting your head against his chest.

"I know you can't, and you won't just breathe y/n you need to rest. we've been doing the project, you're tired and you need to rest"

"I don't have the time peter"

"Yes you do, i have the book remember you made me hide it? you will get it tomorrow once you've slept y/n"

"Okay fine, but you're staying"

The two of you somehow fall asleep on the sofa you have at the far side of your room.

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