relationship help

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You and Tom holland have been bestfriends for ages, you knew he liked you but you were with Harry. It's not like he kept his feelings for you on the down low, they were only hidden when his brother was around or you were with him. That didn't seem to be alot lately, you and Harry had spent some time away from eachother. You being an actress it made it hard for you to spend all the time together and you had just started a new project.

He was incredibly happy for you and fully supported you, but he found it hard to think of what you had as a relationship. You weren't aware of those thoughts and you hoped they didn't exist in the first place, but you had an itch.

Tom always knew what you were thinking, he could easily read you and knew how to cheer you up when it was needed. He knew his brother like the back of his hand and Tom knew Harry thought there was too much distance in your relationship for it to even be classed as one.

There was just one problem: Tom didn't know if he should tell you or not. He didn't want to hurt his brother's feelings and go behind his back, but he didn't want either of you to get hurt in the long run. Tom may care about you as more than a friend but he knew it was best for everyone if he completely ignored those feelings and tried to help you and his brother.

So he decided to face time you after a long day of shooting scenes. You had finally got back to your house, showered and changed by the time Tom was calling you. Answering the call with a tired smile on your face you waved att him "Hi Tommy..."

You watched as Tom's smile dimmed a little bit before he fixed it with a grin and a small wave back to you "Y/n! How was shooting, you look exhausted."

He wasn't lying, you looked like shit and that was after a shower as well as your skincare "Hey...I find that incredibly offensive. But, was okay, some really good bits were filmed." you laughed a little, remembering the bloopers from everyone forgetting their lines due to how early you all started. But you couldn't help notice how  distracted Tom looked, you didn't know what it was and you hoped it was nothing major.

Tom on the other hand started to get concerned when you started staring somewhere off screen. He knew you had a habit of accidentally zoning out but after a few minutes of not answering him, he started to get really worried "Y/n! Hey, Y/n! What's going on? Are you ok?" he watched you catch onto it and come back into focus.

You smile was gone but no emotion was showing "Yeah. I'm...okay, uhm Tom, now isn't really a good time. I...uh, I need to go, I'll call you later." you didn't give him time to respond, hanging up the phone and taking a deep breathe as you rubbed your eyes.

This whole long distance thing going on with Harry wasn't as good as it seemed to be at the start. He was still un the UK whilst you had gone to America to film, Tom had gone with you seeing as he was also working on something too. But not being able to see Harry alot like usual, well, it felt weird and you didn't really like that feeling.

After staring at your empty walls for a little while, slowly drinking from your bottle of water you heard a knock at your door. You immediately knew who it was, the smallest and saddest of smiles formed on your face as you slowly made your way to the door. When you opened it, you did not expect to see Tom standing their with a shopping bag and his dog Tessa.

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