different cast

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Pov: the roles were reversed.

Y/n and Mj sat on the roof of Y/n's house. The pair decided to meet and have a well deserved conversation which they both really needed to have.

Y/n held a large amount of empathy for the girl seeing as she had lost her father and almost lost her boyfriend Peter Parker. And she knew exactly how this girl felt. After being sucked away from her own universe and pulled straight into another, her mind has been everywhere and nowhere at the same time so she knew how she felt and the whole situation Mj was in hit so close to home.

Mj surprising let her tears run as she stood there with so many emotions clouding her judgement "He's gone and its all my fault."


"Please don't...you don't belong here, so I'm sending you home. Those other guys are from your world right? So you deal with it. If they die, if you kill them, that's on you. It's not my problem, and I don't care anymore. I'm done." The hesitation on her face was evident and it made you feel even worse, the poor girl had just lost her father and she couldn't save him.

"I'm really sorry that I dragged you into this...but you have to go home now. Good luck." Mj tried to push the button on the box to send Y/n and all those monsters back to her own universe, but Peter moved the box away. He knew that Y/n could help her do what she had originally chose to do: save and cure them.

Y/n sent a small but thankful smile to Peter "My father was killed...it was my fault. I lost...I lost my Peter, he was like yours. I couldn't save them...I'm never going to be able to forgive myself for that. I carried on, tried to...um...tried to keep going, tried to keep being the...uh...friendly neighborhood scarlette-widow cause I know that's what they would've wanted. But, at some point I just, stopped holding my punches, I got ragefull, I got bitter. I just don't want you to end up like...like me."

The looks on Mj's and Peter's faces were enough to tell her to stop talking about all the pain and unwanted emotions, but Y/n knew talking about her pain was going to bring Mj back to the top with more being than she had before.

"When my father died, I hunted down the man who I thought did it. I wanted him dead...I got what I wanted, it didn't make it better. It took me a long time to learn to get through that darkness"

Mj's eyes were dark as her tears slowly started to come back "I want to kill her. I want to tear her apart...I can still hear his voice in my head, even after he was hurt...he said to me that we did the right thing. He told me that with great power-"

"Comes great responsibility." Y/n finished Mj's words off with ease, remembering what her father told her before he breathed his last breath.

"Wait, what? How do you know that?"

"My father said it...the day he died. Maybe he didn't die for nothing Mj."

Without knowing it, Y/n was profoundly right and she didn't like it. It meant that the Goblin had meant to kill Mj's dad, the woman corrupted by another part of herself gave in and took another innocent life just to teach a teenager a lesson about empathy and morals. Both Mj and Y/n were not gonna let that slide, no matter the cost, they were going to cure the Goblin as well as the other monsters, making sure both universes stayed safe for as long as they could keep it that way.

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