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*Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker*

You were standing on the top of a destroyed building, you were surrounded by flames, ones you started. All you wanted was revenge on the man that killed your best friend. You had to get that revenge yourself because no one else would do it for you.

You looked down at the man who knelt before you, blood on his face and a stab wound at his side.

Before you could say anything your attention was drawn to a roof top opposite you, crouching on the edge of the roof was Spiderman. The hero had saved you a few times, most of them being times when you didn't want to be saved. You hoped to god he wouldn't try so hard to stop you from doing this, it's what you needed to do.

Eventhough you couldn't see his face, you could feel his emotions. Being an empath made most of your everyday life alot harder than anyone else's, but it helped in the long run. You watched the was he slowly moved across different rooftops until he was crouching down a few feet away from the man kneeling infront of you.

Spiderman seemed to make it his main obsession at this specific moment to keep eye contact with you if it meant you wouldn't kill anyone and it was working. Until the man infront of you started laughing "All it takes for a woman to be distracted is one good look from a man." you had lost it. A punch to the face silenced him pretty quickly but it wasn't enough. You wanted him to suffer for what he did seeing as it seemed to be the very least he deserved. Spiderman let you hit the man a few more times before webbing your hands beside your head against a wall behind you. He also webbed the man on his knees to the floor so he couldn't move.

What were you up to spiderman.

You watched as he moved towards you but stopped just infront of the man on his knees, taking his mask off to show you his face. The gasp which left your mouth made the boy shake his head at you. He wanted your reaction to be as calm as you could keep it. So you mouthed a few strong cursewords at him before sighing. What the fuck was Peter Parker of all people doing saving your ass all of the time, it was infuriating to say the least and his face was starting to annoy you.

Looking across at the boy and not being able to move your hands made the need to punch him in the face intolerably stronger. He had just stopped you from going through with it and you hated him for it. You wanted to kill the man you had on his knees, crying out for one more shot at life with an apology you knew he didn't mean. All of it was a load of crap. From the fake apology which he thought would gain him time to the way Peter was trying to calm you down right now.

You glared at the teenager who sat behind you in Science across from you. If he continues talking you were sure to kill him too.

However the funny thing is, whilst he was talking to you and trying to calm you down your mind was elsewhere. You were thinking about all the possibilities, out of everyone in New York and Spiderman just so happened to be a kid from school. The outcome of the night had you wanting to laugh in his face and make him watch whilst you kill the man who killed your best friend. But then again there was no point going down for something as stupid as manslaughter at the hands of a dilliquent dressed in blue and red lycra.

Peter seemed to catch on that you were not listening to him and clicked his fingers infront of your face, did he think you were a bloody dog now? The boy knew you almost too well for someone who doesn't talk to you. At school the pair of you would just have a rival in class and then seemingly go about your day ignoring eachother. So being on the short end of the stick right now didn't seem so fun compared to battling over test scores.

You smiled patronisingly as you stared the so called super hero up and down. You had never really understood why he would use his abilities for good when so much shit had happened to him, because if it were you in his place you know destruction would follow you through the city. If it wasn't for the fact your hands were still webbed beside your face you would have put him in a peaceful sleep, manipulating his emotions and already killed the man whose name you had no interest of knowing.

Spiderman knew the man behind him deserved what he stopped from coming to him. He only stopped you because he knows what killing a man can do to someone. The teenager knows you too well and that is not from getting to know you, it sounds creepy now that he thought about it but he didn't mean to find out so much about you. If it wasn't for the local police report about a missing deputy, he would have left it and told himself the man probably deserved it. But Peter seemed to know something you didn't, you had the wrong man and it wasn't your fault. Call it sketchy Intel and bad judgment, but nothing was at fault of you.

Of course you didn't know that, he tried explaining to you in the most cryptic way so the man behind him couldn't understand what he was saying but you could. Peter told you in some sense that the man was not who you thought he was. It took a moment for you to believe him, and once you had the fall of your expression was enough to make him feel bad for you. You had no idea that the Intel someone you worked for gave you was wrong, you didn't even think that you had been misled until you felt the waves of honesty radiating off of the boy.

A tear ran down your face and it took all your strength to pull your hands away from the wall and break away from the webs. You threw the stringy substance onto the floor dnd wiped the escaping tears from your face. Peter put his mask back on and showed himself as Spiderman once more as he moved out of the way. The man kneeling infront of you looked up, utterly terrified as he stared at you.

You moved to stand beside him before crouching down and cutting the webs away from his legs with a knife you pulled from the inside of your boot. You pulled him to his feet and sniffed slightly, trying not to let your emotions show like you had been taught. Pushing him away from you without a word was enough for him to start to run like his life depended on it. You on the other hand turned away from the masked vigilante and took a deep breathe as you continued to wipe away the unwanted tears which fought so hard to fall.

The mission you had just failed to complete, you know will have an effect on your work, mainly because your boss will make sure to remind you that you have failed. Considering you have to work against the teenager who had just helped you from making a huge mistake was not what you wanted.

You were both kids caught up within the ongoing cycle of enemies you didn't even know the reasoning behind. A game of cat and mouse you were both forced into because you had abilities which were used for different sides of one argument.

From then on, within school and any moment where you were around eachotger with other people present, every single one of your actions was a facade, a show. And as long as you continued to play your part, you were safe. Safe from starting a resistance which would cost you your sanity and your life. So you continued to play those roles with smiles and convincing acts, because you needed to act the parto to survive.

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