interviews and hints

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*Tom Holland*

Tom was at one of his scheduled interviews and was subtly dropping hints that he likes you.

The interviewer was asking tom questions, they were mostly about you. Tom knew what he was trying to do but he didn't care.

"Tom, could you show us a video?"

"What kind of video?"

"Well rumour spread that you had a favourite video"

"Ah, yes! Okay so I have to find it"

Tom looked through his phone and found the video, the interviewer had some thech people come and hook his phone up to a screen behind them.

He pressed play and whe whole audience watched as you were standing on the red carpet getting asked a question:

Interviewer: "so y/n, word has been going around that tom holland likes you. Do you feel the same way?"

Y/n: "uhhh well yeah, i was just trying to hide it" you laugh to yourself a little a pink tint spreading across your cheeks.

The camera turns back to face the interviewer "well you heard it here y/n likes tom holland"

The video is turned off and disconnected from the screen. Tom puts his phone back in his pocket and looks back up with a small grin.

"So what do you think about that video and why have you kept it"

"Well that video was filmed a year and a half ago. And I like to tease my girlfriend ever now and again"

As the interview goes on, tom keeps looking to the side and it doesn't go unnoticed at all.

The interviewer follows tom's eye line and sees you standing to the side of the small stage "tom, i think someone really wants to come over and see you, why don't you call your girlfriend?"

"Umm, i really think she's busy"

"I don't, and i think that's her right there" he gestures to you with a grin "hey y/n! Would you like to come onto the stage properly?"

You mutter a quick "oh shit" before plastering on a smile and walking out onto the stage "hey guys! Hello tom" you stand slightly behind his chair and rest your arms over his shoulders as you rest your chin on the top of his head.

Tom was completely flushed "Guys meet my amazing girlfriend!"

The room full of people literally screamed at the two of you.

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