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Y/n looked up as Wanda came to Kamar -taj, her hands glowing red with chaos magic as she hovered in the air. Dr Strange went up to hover infront of the Scarlette Witch with the use of his Cape.

She could tell it wasn't going to go the way everyone who stood around her hoped it would, so she let her hands glow with the very same chaos magic wanda used but lilac and went up to hover beside Strange.

"All this for a child you met yesterday?" The Witch was furious talking about hipocracy.

Dr Strange shared a look with Y/n before looking at the woman infront of him "Wanda you are justifiably angry, you had to make terrible sacrifices."

"Stephen, don't." Y/n tried to warn him but Wanda was almost beyond reasoning and that would drastically change everything.

"I blew a whole through the head of the man that I love and it meant nothing." the smile on the witch's face made Y/n know what was going go happen next.

"Do not speak to me of sacrifice Stephen Strange" she moved forward and stopped right infront of Y/n, no emotion showing what so ever "If you give me what I want I'll send you to a world where you can be with Peter."

Those very words broke Y/n's heart and the chaos started to slowly thrive. She originally came from another universe, where she was with some version of Peter Parker but she was ripped from it by none other than Thanos.

Strange moved backwards and pulled Y/n by the arm so she stayed with him "The full might of Kamar - Taj stands against you"

From down below someone shouted "Defense positions now."

That was it.

A war was going to happen.

Y/n shook her head, a lilac crown forming on the top of her head as she fought with the chaos inside her "Do not dare to enter these sacred grounds Wanda...please."

Wanda tilted her head "You have no idea just how reasonable I have been."

Strange noticed Y/n's confliction and shook his head "Yeah, look at the damned, calling yourself a witch, conjuring creatures to abduct a kid. I don't exactly call that being reasonable."

"Sending those creatures after her instead of herself was mercy Strange. You and I both know if she came after the girl herself, America would be gone and powerless by now. Think of what you're saying." Y/n knew why Wanda didn't go after America herself at first, she wasn't that evil. At least not yet.

Wanda let her eyes wander from Y/n back to Strange "And in spite of your hypocrisies and insults I have begged you to safely get out of my way. You have exhausted my patience, but I do hope you understand that even now, what's about to happen. This is me being reasonable." Wanda thrusted her hand forward letting her magic loose as she tried to hit Strangw but instead, ended up hitting a both Orange and Lilac barrier.

Y/n's eyes glowed for a moment before she started hovering without her hands glowing. Strange looked at her and shook his head "Come on Y/n, not now. Of all times not now." before he could even attempt to put her in a trance with his magic, Y/n used her lilac chaos magic just like Wanda to blast Strange back.

She wanted Peter back and if helping Wanda was the only way, then so be it.

She started helping Wanda by opening a riff in the barrier and completely shocking every fighter who's helping keep America safe. They knew Y/n had slip-ups where she lost the grip on her chaos but she was easier to contain and stop when there wasn't two powerful Witches in the mix.

Both Y/n and Wanda started to attack Kamar - Taj with their chaos magic, glowing orbs of red and lilac destroying everything in their path. They needed America Chaves and they were going to get her no matter what.


America stood with Wong and Dr Strange opposite Wanda and Y/n within the tower up in the mountains. However Dr Strange looked a little dead compared to how he usually did and that's when it hit Y/n.

She turned to look at Wanda "He's dream walking, we can stop this." around the pair of witches, stood four Rock monsters, two with red glowing eyes and two with purple.

The ones with purple eyes stalked towards Wong who had restraints on, curticey of Wanda and held him up. Y/n moved forward as everyone watched her, not wanting to provoke the witch.

She looked up at Wong and tilted her head properly "You and Strange need to leave, because this will not be pretty and you will not be able to stop us." as she spoke she flicked her wrist and a soft purple glow shone in Wongs eyes. Y/n had sent a message to Wong.

She was in complete control of her chaos and that was what was going to get her to Peter, no matter what it takes.

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