Heaven or Earth pt 1

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Ericka's pov

As we were headed to Connie and Kelly's apartment, Daryl made a stop so he could look over my leg injury.

"Ya lucky she used a small pocket knife." He says cleaning my calf

"Still stings like a bitch." I hiss as the antibacterial soap burns my wound, "I know Leah meant everything to you at one point, I'm sorry you had to kill her."

Daryl then stopped cleaning my wound and looked at me upset.

"You still don't get it, do you?" He says shaking his head then focusing again on my leg

"I don't get what?" I say innocently genuinely confused

"Damn it Ericka, I fuckin love you, killin' Leah was easy." He says standing up raising his voice "you were in danger, I didn't hesitate to hold back, I didn't want to lose you, I made a choice either I kill Leah and you and I can go home to our kids or I die next to you if Leah had killed you."

I know Daryl loves me that wasn't a question and I didn't mean to set him off at all

"Wolfie, I'm sorry if I upset you. I just remember you told me that you thought about asking Leah to be your wife at one point, that's all I meant by my comment." I say walking up to him placing my hand on his shoulders. "I'm sorry all the love you had for her turned into hate, but I am grateful you saved me."

Daryl then moves his hands to my waist and looks at me in my eyes. Wanting to cut the tension I leaned in and kissed him as his grip tightened on my hips. Our lips parted and our foreheads were touching each other's then he finally spoke.

"Marry me?" He says as I froze still staring at him "I mean it, I thought I was in love with Leah but wasn't, you're the one I'm all in for." He says getting down on one knee and pulling out a box. "I'm sorry it ain't a ring but I promise I'll love you till I ain't breathing no more." He says pulling out a beautiful silver necklace that had wings as a pendant that resembled the ones he had on his vest.

" He says pulling out a beautiful silver necklace that had wings as a pendant that resembled the ones he had on his vest

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"Be my wife Ericka, please?" He says holding the necklace in his hand, I only had one word to say... "Yes!"

Daryl stood up and scooped me up in his arms spinning me around, I felt happy I even had tears of joy on my face, this all felt right.

"So no wedding or anything, I'm automatically your wife?" I ask as I grin widely which made Daryl grin as well

"Not my style and yeah just like I'm automatically your husband." He says as he is now placing the necklace around my neck, "sorry if I'm taking the fairytale part away from you."

"No this is good. I never was able to have the fairytale wedding with Shane, I believe I wasn't meant for that mushy ness." I say bluntly. In a way it's true, when Shane and I first wanted to get married I got in a car wreck and lost Angelina and the world went to shit, then the second time we got married, Sophia went missing and when we planned to renew our vows he had a heart attack and died. It's best I skip that part, I don't wanna lose Daryl or have any bad luck come our way.

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