Author's note

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Hey y'all,

Ok sooo my personal life is hectic right now but I WILL update soon! Maybe tomorrow, maybe days later idk but I Will!!

Also I've been re-watching the show in honor if it ending, only 4 more episodes left and it's officially over 😢💔

So that brings me to this, who are your favorite character(s)? Favorite walker kill(s)? Favorite episode(s)? And favorite season(s)???

For me duh obviously Shane and Daryl. IMO Shane was the heartthrob of the show and when he died it became Daryl but aside from them being handsome, they were badasses!!! They were strong, brave, risk takers and weren't afraid to throw down.

Favorite kill: probably the one were Daryl and Jesus are at the trucks and Daryl grabs a chain and whips it at the walkers decapitating them,  and also anytime Michonne uses her katana! I love that sword lol

Favorite episode: The very first one!! Do I really need to say more? Lol

Favorite season: hands down 4!!! So many twists and turns plus I loved Bethyl  (yes, I was a shipper lmao)

And as always don't forget to vote, comment, and show love to books 1 and 2!!

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