Stress relief

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Ericka's pov

"I need Judith to be somewhere safe, the others need to be safe as well." Rick says approaching Shane and I

"I'll lead everyone to the hilltop, I'll keep Judith safe." Shane tells Rick  "I will, nothing is gonna happen to her, I'll make damn sure of it.

"We'll all keep her safe!" Daryl says interfering

"Let me say goodbye first." Carl says weakly

"Mom said I'd beat this world, I didn't but you will!" He says to Judith "Shane thank you for being the best uncle, even though you and dad tried to kill each other, I'm glad you guys are close again. Just wish I could've heard you genuinely call each other brother again." He says as both Rick and Shane look at each other

"You were a great kid, and you became one hell of a man, you brought us together again." Shane says to him as he's holding a now crying Judith causing him to get up and lead the way and others to Hilltop

"Thank you kiddo. Beacause of you, you got us all here." I say to him moving some hair strands from his hair

"I'll keep eye on your kids for you." He says pointing to his eye making me giggle at his last joke before I kissed him and walked off with Daryl following me

The kid I met at seventeen and watched grow up was dying. Memories of him flooded my mind, from hearing him call Lori and Rick "mama and daddy" for the first time. Him taking his first steps, then everything that happend at the farm, the prison, tears were running down my face, I already miss him!

The next day ( still Ericka's pov)

Exhausted we all took a break at a shady area, Roista and Daryl went through some swamps, Tara and Dwight went to take care of some walkers. I knew that was a bad idea so I followed them while Shane was in charge of everyone else, sneaking off actually.

As I followed them I saw Tara duck behind a bush as Dwight was talking to some saviors. "I was gonna kill him,  but he just led the saviors away from us... he's saving us!" Tara whispers to me. As Dwight walks away, Tara and I slowly began to stand, "let's get back to the others, they need to know." I say as we now run back.

"I TOLD YOU TO WAIT!" Daryl yells at Tara

"Yelling at her, doesn't help anything Daryl. Besides she's telling the truth, Dwight led the saviors away from us, and away from Hilltop." I say standing next to Tara

"AND YOU!, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN OUT THERE, WHAT IF SOMETHIN' HAPPENED TO YA OR TO OU-..." "HEY, ENOUGH!" Daryl stopped yelling at me as Shane interrupted him who was now standing next to me

"EVERY ONE MOVE OUT NOW! Shane shouts as everyone followed the trail to Hilltop

"Baby, what the hell were you thinking sneaking off like that? Daryl was right, what if somethin were to happen?" Shane questions me grabbing my arm

"But nothing did, I went off to make sure Tara was ok in case Dwight pulled something but he didn't, he actually saved us." I say to him

"Please stay close to me ok, I can't lose you either." Shane says pulling me into him

"You're not gonna lose me, I promise." I say kissing his lips "sorry for running off like that, I just wanted Tara to be safe."

"Forgiven!... now let's catch up with the others." Shane says wrapping his arm around my waist as we walked back to the others

Reaching Hilltop was bittersweet for obvious reasons, seeing Enid break down was heart and gut wrenching.

She and Carl had a small fling going on. Shane and I caught them in the act when Rick and Michonne were out one time. Carl felt like he couldn't ask Rick about that kind of stuff so he went to Shane who told him about protection, as Enid went to me. Still, Shane and I were surprised to have actually caught them.

Forever & Always (Shane Walsh: tragic love book 3) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu