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Ericka's pov

It's been three days and I haven't seen Shane like he promised, which is begining to worry me. He said we would be apart for one day, and one night. It's now been three days going on the third night. I'm also starting to think maybe Negan went to the Kingdom and killed everyone but I'm trying to be positive, hoping, and praying everyone at the Kingdom is safe.

Jesus has been back and forth between the Hilltop and Alexandria, Daryl didn't want to leave to Alexandria at first but I had to convinced him that he needs to plan the next move with Rick so that we can at least be one step ahead of Negan.

Maggie and I have been training members of Hilltop and I'm impressed with how fast they're learning how to defend themselves. Maggie and I have also been taking turns watching Judith, Rick made the decision for her to be with us since Alexandria is such a danger zone compared to Hilltop.

Thanks to Jesus we've been keeping tabs on Negan, tomorrow they plan on invading Alexandria. Jesus also told us that Father Gabriel had ran into another group called The Scavengers, led by a woman named Jadis which caused Rick to make a deal with her and now she's fighting with us.

As of now, we're doing last minute preparations, I'm nervous as fuck, not gonna lie but I'm focused, I know what I have to do just wish I had either Shane or Daryl by my side and reasure me everything will be alright.

"Hey girlie!" I hear Jesus say as he's approaching me

"Hey you!" I say giving him a hug as I notice he's holding a black bag behind his back "What'cha got there?" I ask him

"This is for you." He says pulling out a top "this was made for you by a woman back at the Kingdom her name is Nabila. It had metal and is bullet proof she made something similar for Maggie as well, try on the outfit first and I'll give you the armor for your arms and legs." He tells me as he follows me into my room

"Oh my God, I feel like a badass in this!" I say to him as I pull my hair up, posing in front of the mirror with my gun.

"Surprisingly it's really comfortable

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"Surprisingly it's really comfortable." I saw twirling "oh my God, is that what I think it is?" I say starring at a yellow and black symbol in the back of my top

"The Batgirl logo?" Jesus questioned as I nod "Jerry made sure everyone has they're favorite superhero somewhere on their uniform, he says it's an inside joke in a way."

"Did you see Shane by any chance?" I ask him

"Yes and he told me to give you this." He says handing me a note Shane had written "I'll let you get undressed and get some rest." Jesus tells me as he hugged me before leaving my room


  I'm so sorry, I'm not with you at the moment. I'm still trying to put some sense into Ezekiels head about joining us in the fight tomorrow.  Hope you love your outfit,  it's bullet proof and sexy as hell. Hopefully I get to see you in it. Hope you and the little one are doing well, I miss you sooo fucking much, hope Daryl is taking care ofthe both of you.  I love you, Ericka can't wait to see you soon!

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