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Ericka's POV

The next day

As I extend my arm to feel for my husband's abs, all I felt were cold sheets and a note....

Didn't wanna wake you, went to the gym, gonna need my strength back fast if we want Negan dead. Rest up, take care of my baby.

                                 Te Amo,
Good luck with Ezekiel! Give him the guilt treatment if you have too.

I began my usual morning routine and went over what I wanted to say to Ezekiel. I just hoped I could persuade him, Lord knows we desperately need all the help we can get.

"Good morning Mrs. Walsh, the king has been expecting you." A tall large gentleman tells me as I reach the theater area "by the way my name is Jerry." He says extending his hand

"Good morning, I'm Ericka, nice to meet you!" I say in return as he leads me to King Ezekiel

"Good morrow my fair lady, how shall I help thee?" Ezekiel says to me. Not knowing how to properly speak Renaissance language I wing it and hope for the best

"Good morrow, your highness!" I say as I curtsey "forgive thee as I not know how to speak(ith) to you probably in your tongue. I aquire a conference on how thou shall help(ith) us Alexandrians in battle against(ith) thee evil Negan and his stooges." I felt so stupid but continued anyway " you see King, I am with child as well as a fellow Alexandrian who recently lost her beloved. Thou is frightened and only wants peace but that isn't possible with Negan. Please help(ith) us, we no longer want more loved ones to parish, I beg of thee!"

The king chuckles a bit, "not bad, not bad.. how about we talk in your native tongue instead of mine?" He asked me

"You know spanish?" I say confused as Jerry laughs

"No, no, I don't." Ezekiel says with a smile "I was talking about English"

Now I felt really stupid. "Oh my bad, pregnancy brain." I say pointing to my head

Tell me about yourself Ericka, how long have you been with your husband?, how long have you been married? Any other children?, and what do you really want from me?" He asked nicely but sternly at the same time

"Well, I met Shane when I was fifteen years old, I was a freshman he was a sophomore... according to him we've been together fifteen years now, married for about I don't know, three years? I'm really not sure... uhm technically I'm a mother of four, two I miscarried before the turn, one was a stillborn after the turn and as I said earlier currently have a bun in the oven... and what I really want is help to finally end Negan and his saviors...I understand you've lost people but so have we, if we want them to leave us alone once and for all fighting is our only option." I say as he was listening to every word I was saying

"How can we get rid of the Saviors without anyone else dying?" He asked in a serious tone

"I wish that were a possibility honestly." I say looking down "I don't want to fight, I'm scared to but for my unborn child I will do anything to make sure "they" will grow up in peace."

"How does your husband feel about this?" He asks me

"About the baby? Or fighting?" I ask him confused again causing him to chuckle and smile again

"Both?" As he now let out a laugh

"Oh, well we've been wanting a baby of our own since I first miscarried and for fighting... even though he could've almost died when one of Negan's men attacked him, he's been training in your gym to get in shape for battle."

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