A new threat?

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Hey y'all, so this chapter is a trigger warning one so fair warning read at your own risk!

Ericka's pov

As we approached the Hilltop nerves took over me, Shane must've noticed on a count of how fidgety I was.

"Hey." Shane whispered in my ear causing me to turn my head and look into eyes, "As long as I'm right here with you, nothing's gonna happen."

"I know, it's just we haven't seen Jesus and Tara in so long. What if we're not welcomed back?" I ask as Shane practically laughs

"Tara? You seriously think she'll turn us away? She'll probably show you around and show you her new records she found or something. She won't turn us away." He stated confidently which caused me to smile a bit.

Tara and I had a bond over music, sometimes when I would be alone and Shane was out on runs, before Shay was even thought of. She would come over and bring some of the CDs she found and we'd play them and have a dance party. Rosita, Maggie, and even Michonne sometimes would join us. It was the ultimate girls night... I miss those days.

"Everything will be fine, just watch." He says placing his fingers under my chin pulling me towards him as we kissed easing my nerves to nonexistent

As we finally arrived, sure enough Tara greeted us.

"Where's Jesus?" Michonne asked her

"Out with a search party looking for Eugene." Tara says blatantly

"Eugene is missing? Since when?" Michonne asked clearly surprised just like the rest of us were

"I'm not sure, he went out with Rosita but wasn't with her when we found her." Tara answered causing me to walk in front of the group

"Is she ok?" I asked concerned about my cousin

"What about the baby?" Siddiq asked also concerned

"She was unconscious when she got here but she'll be fine. It's mostly dehydration and heat exhaustion, she should be waking up soon. The baby is fine." Enid said stepping from behind Tara

"Wait, if she was unconscious, how do you know Eugene was with her?" Shane spoke as he was now standing next to me

"Aaron told us." Tara answered him

"Aaron's here?" Michonne questioned

"No, he's with Jesus and Daryl." Tara replied

"Daryl's here?" I asked surprised

"No, he's with Aaron and Jesus." Tara replied this time to me "Daryl came down from his mountain with Carol and Henry."

"Daryl had a mountain?" "Carols here " I asked confused as Shane asked about Carol

"Yes, That's where Carol and Henry ran into him. She's here." She answered both mine and Shane's questions. "Either way you put it, it's like the old gang is back together." She says in a unamused tone as she then turns her focus to the group we brought  "As for the rest of you, you're gonna have to wait until Jesus gets back. And if you want to stay, stay, I'm gonna have to talk to him and you're gonna have to earn your keep."

Connie then appeared in front of us and signed, "Thank you!"

"Okay, well it's almost nightfall and we have a curfew here. I'll show you guys to your rooms." Tara says walking away as everyone followed her except for myself, Shane and Michonne

"Yeah, I don't think we're going to have any of our famous dance parties." I say which caused Michonne to laugh out loud

"Yup, looks that way. Good thing to cause I don't feel like seeing you twerk right now." She says jokingly which made me and Shane laugh out loud as well

Forever & Always (Shane Walsh: tragic love book 3) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя