Lobo and Vixen

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Ericka's pov

What a shit show these past two weeks have been.

First week
Ezekiel revealed to Siddiq he has thyroid cancer, Siddiq gets killed by an undercover whisperer who Rosita kills now their unborn child only has one parent and she moved back in with me, Beta brought walkers to Alexandria again and they destroyed parts of the area leaving some houses without power and water, and Connie is still missing

Second week
Hilltop practically burned to the ground, Maggie is back and is wanting to kill Negan, we haven't heard from Oceanside, Eugene is on a mission to meet a woman named Stephanie that he's been secretly talking too, Ezekiel and Yumiko went with him to find her, Connie is still missing.

I was making the kid's school lunch when I felt a tap on my shoulder, in my mind I was expecting another Shane hallucination when I turned around to see Daryl.

"You got a minute?" He asked calmly

"When I'm done with Shay's lunch sack, just give me five minutes." I calmly reply as he nods his head and joins the kids in the den.

After placing their lunches on the counter and getting they're notebooks ready, I walked into the den and got them ready for school with Daryl's help. Rosita appeared from out of the restroom and took them to school leaving Daryl and I alone.

"So what's up?" I ask him as I sit on the couch

"I'm goin on a run, wanna come with?" He asks as he sits next to me, "there's a hospital three miles from Leah's cabin, gonna grab some meds for Ezekiel as well as other stuff."

"Yeah, can't believe I'm saying this but I need a break from here." I say looking at my powerless house. I grab my stuff, left a note for Rosita and we left. Only to be stopped by Maggie at the gate who wanted to join us as well as her new group member Elijah.

About almost two hours later we stopped at Leah's cabin to come up with a plan. Maggie and Elijah were going over some stuff while I looked at Daryl who was piecing together a torn note at the table.

"You alright?" I ask as I stood next to him

"I left her this note, asking her to come find me, she tore it up." He says solemnly

"I am so sorry Daryl, clearly that bitch doesn't deserve you." I tell him wrapping my arm around his shoulders

"She doesn't, I see that now. I'm just a dumbass thinking she'll be with me and join us." He says looking at me then turns his body to me. "It's too soon for you I get it, I have given up on Leah but I can't give up on you."

"What about Connie, I know you love her." I ask him my arm now wrapped around hia neck

"I care about her but I don't love her. Her having a disability makes me overprotective of her." He says looking down, "I love you Ericka, ever since back at the quarry when we first met, you were the only one who saw me as a person and not just a asshole redneck like everyone else did at first... but I get it you will never love me the way you do or did with Shane. Hell, I love you but I don't know if I can love you the way he did, you even said that to me and ...." I cut him off by placing my lips on his and moving my tongue with his.

My heart was beating fast and once I had that guilty feeling come over me that caused me to stop. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Sorry, it's just it feels like I'm cheating on Shane again." I say as both my hands are on Daryl's shoulders as he moves his hands on my arms rubbing them, I then look up at him with watery eyes. "I do love you Daryl. You're my best friend with benefits." I say as we both chuckle at my joke. "Let's take this slow please, and I mean we have to really take it slow."

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