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Ericka's pov

"Happy Halloween kiddos!" I shout as I see the kids walk out of their rooms in their costumes

Judith was a witch, RJ was a cowboy, and Shay was a cat.

"Y'all down to go to the haunted house?" Daryl asked as Judith and RJ got excited, Shay on the other hand was hesitant

"You take them and I'll walk Shay around and meet you guys at Ezekiel's petting zoo." I say as Daryl nods

Being at the Commonwealth is weird not gonna lie it's kind like how things were before. We have money, apartments, I.d.'s, socials security cards, insurance, DVDs  and TV's that actually work. Only thing that's not like before is Shane's not here. Oh, we also have jobs. I mentioned how I worked in the police department for forensics and well... I'm technically a cop now, Shane would be proud.

Shay and the kids are happy here and honestly that's all that matters to me. There's a lot of kids here and I'm glad they've made friends, have play dates, and like I've said before there's a school here. RJ even jumped two grades in the short time we've been here, Judith is in 5th and Shay is in third with RJ. My babies are hella smart.

Daryl and I are like a real couple now, no bullshit, no going behind each other's back, there's communication. We are nothing like the way we were back at the prison, we have truly grown. Literally and figuratively.

Shay and I were looking at the records at the record store when we saw a woman dressed as a princess and my heart sank. Don't get me wrong she looked beautiful, it was just a reminder I haven't been called princess in months. My hallucinations don't count cause it's not really Shane, just my mind playing tricks on me.

"Hey you're Ericka right?" She asks me as I just stare at her, admiring her outfit

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"Hey you're Ericka right?" She asks me as I just stare at her, admiring her outfit. "I'm Princess, Eugene, Ezekiel and Yumiko found me, well we found each other, needless to say it was just meant to be." She says smiling extending her hand to me

"Hi, yeah I'm Ericka and this is my daughter Shayna." I say before I got interrupted by Shay

"Shay for short, are you really a princess?" She asks her as I can see Princess's face light up

"Awww I wish. My real name is Juanita but I never liked that name and I always wanted to be a princess so here I am." She says extending her arms in a pose

"My daddy used to call us princess, I like you." She says going up to her giving her a hug

"Aww sweetie." Princess says giving her a hug "tell ya what, go get any cd or record you want it's on the house, the kid section is inside." She tells Shay as she practically ran inside and I stood outside talking to princess. "May I ask what happened to her father?"

"He died couple months ago." I say looking down not being able to look at her as I can feel my eyes water

"If you want you can call me Juanita, I don't want my made up name to cause you any hurt or anything." She says as she places her arm in my shoulder

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