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Ericka's pov

The next morning when we woke up, we decided to track Daryl and Leah to their compound and by we I mean Maggie nominated me to do so since Daryl taught me how to track. Oh goody, I get to track my cheating boyfriend and his side hoe.

"We're right on them, they were here about an hour ago." I say to Maggie

"Looks like Daryl wants us to find them." Negan says "what if your boyfriend is actually on our side?"

That thought did cross my mind but it's the fact he was kissing someone else in front of me that's what's stoping me from thinking and believing that.

As it began to get dark we finally hit a wearhouse type place. As I searched for Daryl's footsteps for confirmation this is their hideout, I instead found something else.

"This is it guys." I say stoping in my tracks

"What makes you sure?" Negan questioned me

"Because this is Daryl's red handkerchief." I say raising it "he also wrote this, on the ground." I flash my flashlight on the ground

"Meet nside, 4 food, srry fox- D"

Just then we heard noises coming behind us, it was Gabriel. He had followed us wanting to help.

Maggie and Gabriel went off one way, I went another by myself and Negan and Elijah went their way. Deep down after seeing Daryl's message, I was starting to believe Daryl was on our side after all and I felt bad for telling him off and giving him the finger.

I saw Daryl from a distance lead Maggie and Gabriel to the food and sneak back to the other side of the compound and take out two people by killing them instantly. As I got closer, Leah appeared and contacted someone on her walkie talkie telling that person that Daryl had crosse them.

Leah raised her gun at Daryl, I was about to make my presence known when she lowered it, "oh love, in another life you would be mine." She says as her voice cracks then I heard Daryl speak, "In another life, I still belong with Ericka." And at that he runs in the opposite direction from where I am causing me to run where Maggie and Gabriel are.

I helped them load the crates of food into a van Daryl left for us. When I felt someone pull my hair, it was another female reaper and two other reapers attacked Maggie and Gabriel.

I used some of the combat moves Jesus taught me and ended up killing the woman with just a swift kick to the head. Another reaper got me from behind and I was able to flip them over my shoulder and lock in a headlock, courtesy of mi amor and the were knockedout . We saw a group of reapers approach us, we had no choice but draw our guns and kill em.

Negan and Elijah came running towards us and got in the van, Gabriel ran to the driver's side, Maggie got in passenger side, I got in the back and as I was about to close the doors, I saw Daryl running towards us. Negan and I extended our hands and helped him inside the van.

After Daryl was inside the van, Negan and Elijah closed the doors, I didn't care that they were in the back with us, I straddled Daryl and began to kiss him hard catching him off guard.

"I'm sorry for thinking you were cheating, I'm sorry for doubting you." I say in-between kisses

"I'm sorry for kissin' her in front of you, I'm sorry I hurt ya, I didn't sleep with her though." He says kissin' me back

"Awe ain't that sweet, knock it off you're making me sick." Negan says causing us to laugh minus Maggie

We stoped at this place to get more supplies when we noticed we were followed by more reapers.

One injured Elijah and he fell to the floor, it was Leah and three men.

"It doesn't have to be this way." Daryl shouts at her, "You're better than that, stop this shit and join us ."

"Long ago, I was. I'm too far gone now." Leah shouts answering Daryl . "You must be Ericka?" She says now looking at me as I stood there rolling my eyes

"And you must be Leah, the bitch who hurt Daryl." I say spitefully

"I like her Daryl, she's got sass

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"I like her Daryl, she's got sass." She tells Daryl then turns her attention back to me, "enjoy my sloppy seconds while you can." She shouts as her henchmen drew out their weapons but were killed by Gabriel. Scaring Leah and two of her followers off.

As Leah had her back turned from me, I pulled out Shane's gun tucked in my jeans and began to shoot at the guys next to Leah. Then I aimed the gun towards her and shit her in the shoulder making her run off.

"Why'd ya do that for?" Daryl shouts at me as he chases after Leah which pissed me off, why the hell was he running after her?

"Don't worry about it." Maggie says to me, "I would've done the same... Wait here you guys, we're gonna get Alden."

Maggie and Elijah left Alden in the cabin to heal from wounds he suffered from Beta's herd, by the time they got to the cabin he had turned.

After Daryl returned, we all got back in the van and headed towards Alexandria. Negan was driving, I was sitting passenger and Daryl, Maggie, and Elijah were in the bag with all the food we took.

When we finally got home, we immediately started passing out food to everyone.

"Mama, Uncle Daryl!" Shay shouts as she runs towards us along with Judith and RJ. Even though Daryl and I aren't seeing eye to eye at the moment we pulled them into a group hug.

Just then as Daryl was holding a box of apples, from the corner of my eye I saw Carol approach is only she wasn't alone, she was with Kelly and Connie.

Daryl was in shock that he dropped the box of apples and ran towards her. "Look who's back." He tells me

I pull Connie into a hug and signed to her how sorry I was for everything. She wrote down that she understands why Carol and I did what we did and fogives us.

As we all gathered for a big dinner celebration we were interrupted.

"Oh come on we just got here, now what?" I say as Jerry alarmed us of intruder's at the gate.

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