I'm back!

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*** FLASHBACK***( Shane's pov)

"You alright kid?" I ask this youngster who got tackled by a walker

"Yeah, I'm fine, thank you." He says as he stood up "I'm Glenn Rhee, I'm by myself, can I tag along? You guys seem like you're cool."

I turn my head looking at Lori and Dale. They both nodded in unison. "Name's Shane Walsh, this is Lori, her boy Carl, and Dale... welcome to the group kid." I say to him as we began shaking hands


My wife was shaking, she looked pale, scared. I can't protect her without getting a bullet in my back, if this asshole does something to her I can't move the thought of that happening petrified me.

Seeing Negan kill Abraham was shocking, I didn't thinkhe was actually gonna use his bat, I thought it was a prop. When Ericka turned her head looking at me, she has drops of Abraham's blood on her face. Seeing her scared shitless made me both pissed off and petrified. I wanted to hold her close but couldn't instead I just mouthed the words "I love you!" To her as she did the same to me.

Glenn... I couldn't be strong anymore I broke down immediately when he spoke to Maggie for the last time, right then and there one thing is for sure, this son of a bitch is gonna die, I'll make sure of It!

Negan told one of his stooges to hurt someone else, I was praying practically begging God not to let it be my princess, instead that's when I felt instant pain on my right cheek. Ericka's sobs and screams where the only sounds I heard before going unconscious.

Ericka's pov

"Ericka we need to hide the saviors are here." Sasha tells me as she enters the bathroom watching me clean myself off.

"Shane?, I'm not leaving him!." I tell her

"It's ok Jesus is gonna hide him as well." She tells me as she grabs my arm and we make our way to Jesus who hid us in Gregory's closet. Jesus and two other hilltop men hid Shane in another room.

"They need to leave!" Gregory shouted at Jesus

"They're staying here, weitheryou like it or not, they're not going anywhere!" Jesus says sternly

Maggie and Sasha headed back to their trailer, Jesus led me to the room he put Shane in. He was still unconscious, he hasn't moved an inch from the last time I saw him.

"I need your help with something." I ask Jesus

"With what?" He says genuinely

"Do you know where Negan lives?" I turn to look at him

"I can try, their truck leaves soon." He tells me just as he's about to turn I grabbed his arm

"Don't tell Maggie or Sasha please, I have a plan." I tell him as he nods

I then walk back to be at my husband's side, "I need you to wake up now, please amor!" I say hoping Shane can hear me "I have a plan on how to get rid of Negan but I need you to wake up."

Later that night, I decided to go with Maggie and Sasha for a while but I was surprised to see Enid. She told us about how the saviors took stuff from homes, living Alexandria a complete mess. We talked for a couple more hours talking about Glenn, Abraham, Daryl, the saviors, Shane and how to get Alexandria and Hilltop to be one.

It was around midnight, I'm assuming when I went back into Shane's room. He was still sleeping. "I'm really bored without you amor, wish you could entertain me if you know what I mean?" I say hoping he'd at least make some sound from my attempted joke. Just then I felt sick again... I went into the restroom, washed my face, took a shower and changed into comfortable clothes. As I walked out the restroom I heard "Baby, you alright?"

"Shane!" I practically shout as I hurried to him carefully wrapping my arms around his neck "how are you feeling?" I asked him

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Shane!" I practically shout as I hurried to him carefully wrapping my arms around his neck "how are you feeling?" I asked him

"I feel like shit, it hurts to breathe but I'm ok knowing nothing happend to you." He says "nothing did happen to you right?" He questions

"I'm ok they didn't do anything to me." I answered him "we're at Hilltop, I had to bring you here since they have a doctor."

"Are you sure you're alright? I heard you throwing up in there." He asks holding my hand, tracing small circles on my thumb with his

"I've been like this since everything happend with you, Glenn, and Abraham... it's the stress of everything ." I tell him looking down "I think it's after midnight, I'm tired."

"Get your rest princess, I'm ok, I promise!" Shane tells me as I scoot my cot next to his hospital bed falling asleep with his hand in mine

Shane's pov

From the moment I opened my eyes I felt dizzy, I closed them for a second then opened them again that's when I heard someone yak in the restroom followed by a "damn it!", by the sound of the voice I knew it was my princess.

I remember everything that had happened that caused me to be here in this room hooked up to machines. I remembered I swore, I'd kill Negan but how when I can barely breathe? The restroom door opened and seeing my wife brought a smile to my face.

She says it's the stress making her vomit maybe it is but I was hoping deep down it's our little miracle making her sick.

Before she fell asleep she told me about Negan taking things from Alexandria, and how he took Daryl hostage.

I felt anger and rage hit me, I hid it and kept my composure until Ericka fell asleep but it was all over my face how pissed off I was, I know it was. That son of a bitch doesn't know who the fuck he's dealing with and he's about to find the fuck out, he's in for one hell of a rude awakening.

I love my wife, I'm glad Rick and I are on good terms again but I can feel the rage, the hatred come back to me. I can feel myself in a sense transform back into the asshole I was back at the farm years ago. The Shane I never wanted to be again was back!

 The Shane I never wanted to be again was back!

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
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