The doctors looked at them with a solemnly expression. "We lost him. His heart wasn't strong enough. I'm sorry, kids. I'm sorry."


Zoey was pacing around the Matthews' backyard. She had a massive situation that was going to impact her life, but she didn't know if she tell her husband or not.

"There's someone here who'd like to say goodbye." Lucy said, referring to Xavier who stood by her feet.

"Hey, little bro." Zoey greeted. She kneeled down to Xavier's level. "Come here, I want to tell you something. You know what's out there? The world. You're gonna be part of it someday."

Xavier giggled. "Yeah."

"You're gonna learn something from it everyday. You're gonna make mistakes. You're gonna make good friends. Mr. Feeny will probably teach you, every grade you're ever in. And maybe... you'll meet a woman as wonderful as me. How'd you like that?" Zoey asked.

"Good." Xavier replied quietly.

"And maybe you'll make some friends like Topanga and Cory. But when you're not a little boy anymore, when the world taught you how to be this man, you know, you're still gonna make mistakes. But your family and your friends that you made along the way are gonna help you, okay? Even thought it'll seem like the world's going out of its way to teach you hard lessons, you realize it's the same world that had given you your family and friends, you know? You're gonna come to believe that the world's gonna protect you, too.... Boy meets world." Zoey told her younger brother.

Xavier high-fived his older sister before wrapping his arms around her neck. Zoey chuckled and returned the gesture.

"You ready to go inside?" Shawn asked from the doorway.

"Shawn!" Xavier exclaimed happily.

"Shawn. That's me!" Shawn said as Xavier ran over to him. He picked the toddler up and walked back into the kitchen.

A moment later, Topanga, Eric, Shawn and Cory walked out into the backyard, holding their luggage.

Cory turned to his older brother. "You called him?"

Eric nodded. "I called him. He'll be there."

"Okay. Ready?" Cory asked, looking between the three of them.

"I was born ready." Shawn replied.

"Let's do it." Topanga insisted.


Eric, Topanga, Cory, Shawn and Zoey entered the classroom that they'd spent a good portion of their childhood in. It was weird being back in their old middle school as fully-grown adults but there was a sort of full-circle feeling that came with it.

Topanga sat in the front row and Cory behind her. Shawn was in the back of the row, behind Cory while Zoey sat down in the seat beside Shawn. Eric sat on one of the back desk and propped his feet up on the chair in front of him.

Mr. Feeny stood at the front of the classroom and noticed their expectant gazes. "What?"

"We're leaving." Cory announced.

Mr. Feeny sighed. "I know."

"We wanted to know if you had anything else left to teach us." Zoey said.

"No. My work with you is done." Mr. Feeny responded.

"I don't know. It's pretty scary." Shawn admitted. "Going into a whole new world."

"And you are ready to go into that world." Mr. Feeny told them firmly.

"Even me?" Eric wondered.

"Even you." Mr. Feeny replied, smiling at him fondly. He turned his attention back to the group. "Believe in yourselves. Dram. Try. Do good."

It's My Life • Shawn Hunterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें