Chapter 1

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"You're going to be late!" my brother yelled at me while I was in the shower

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"You're going to be late!" my brother yelled at me while I was in the shower.

"No I'm not!" I yelled back and heard him sigh loudly.

I was going to my first meeting as part of the mafia. I was born in the mafia but now I was participating in the mafia.

I turned the water off and walked out of the shower.

My brother Samuel was just worried, like always. But he was overreacting. If he was the boss couldn't everyone just wait for him to start the meeting?

I knew he would be mad if I told him that to his face, which is why I didn't.

"Be down in 10 minutes Julieta," he said and I smirked.

"Yeah yeah," I responded and dried my hair.

I heard him walk out of the room and so I walked out of the bathroom and put on a pair of black heels, a black corset, black suit pants and a black suit. I put my gun in my pocket and walked downstairs.

Samuel glared at me and I just chuckled.

"Why so grumpy?" I asked and he sighed.

"Let's just go," he answered and we walked through the house to the office.

Everyone was already there. My cousins: Noemi, Hugo and Àlvaro. My best friends: Alba and Miranda. Samuel's friends that I never bothered to get to know, some other family and the alliance mafia.

Then standing by my father was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. His green eyes met mine and I held the stare. His black fluffy hair was messy but still somehow laid in place.

"Good you're here," my father stated and I sat down next to Samuel who had just taken his place. "Gavino this is Julieta my daughter, she's new."

Gavino didn't even bother to respond, he just simply nodded and looked me up and down.

My father started speaking about our plan but I barely listened. I couldn't stop staring at Gavino. He seemed to listen to my father speaking and responded too.

Gavino was the leader of the Italian mafia. We had an alliance with them so we could keep peace between our mafias. I had never met him before, just simply heard about him from my brother and some of my cousins.

"We need to strike against the Russians," my brother said and stood up.

"What?" Gavino exclaimed and looked at my brother like he was crazy. "We can't start a war with the Russians."

"Yes we can, we have all the resources," Samuel said and lookeds at me over his shoulder. "A strike against the Russians will happen with or without your help."

"You're stupid, Andrei's mafia is way more powerful than yours. It would be a suicide mission," Gavino said and sounded angry.

"Hey, let's talk about this later," my father said and stood in between them.

"All the new recruits stay, the rest of you can leave," Samuel said but didn't lose eye contact with Gavino.

Everyone left the room except me, Alba, Àlvaro and two people from Gavino's mafia.

"So, you're the new recruits," Gavino stated and looked over at us.

"That's right," my father said and walked up to me. "This is Julieta, my daughter."

"Okay," Gavino simply answered and looked at me. My father introduced Alba and Àlvaro to Gavino but he didn't seem intrested at all. Then Gavino explained who the people from his mafia was.

His sister Viviana and his cousin Carlo.

"Do they know how to fight properly?" Gavino asked and I scoffed. "Sorry?" He looked at me angrily because I scoffed at him.

"Of course we know how to fight otherwise we wouldn't be here," I explained and he rolled his eyes.

"I want to see them all fight before I trust them," he spoke and I sighed.

Of course he did. He couldn't just trust my father and brother that we were good enough, he needed to see it for himself.

"Typical," I muttered and he glared at me.

"I'm fighting that one," he said and pointed to me. I widened my eyes and he smirked.

"No, no way," I respond and he chuckled.

"Are you scared?"

"No, but you should be," I said and he scoffed.

"You'll be crying after I'm done with you," he stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Dream on."

We all walked down to the gym and I put on protection for my knuckles.

Gavino did the same and then we stood in the ring.

"Ready, set, go!" my father yelled and Gavino tried to punch me in the face. I blocked and kicked him in the abandonment instead.

He landed a punch on my nose and I started bleeding. I wiped it off and punched him in the jaw. He groaned and jumped on me so I was laying on the floor with him over me.

I struggled under his weight but then I kicked him in the balls and flipped him over so I was over him.

"Josefina wins!" Samuel yelled and I got off Gavino.


After that everyone went to dinner. I had to sit next to Gavino apparently. My father stood up to make a speech.

"Everyone, we have sent out emails with your training partners now and I hope you're happy with it because there's no switching. You must be able to work with everyone," my father told us and then sat back down again.

I checked my phone but I had nothing.

Gavino checked his a muttered a low curseword.

"Who'd you get?" I asked and he glared at me.

"Why don't you see for yourself," he said and I widened my eyes.

I quickly opened my email again and saw it sitting there. I opened it and cursed loudly.

Gavino Accetta

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

My name is Esmeralda and I will be your author. Let me know all of your thoughts.

Have a good day!


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