
[ Flashback: Just soon after Hyein was born.. both the couples we're thinking hard on what name they should name the baby.

"Should we have the last name as Hyein?" Minji asks as she gently carressed the new born baby.

Hanni was silent for a moment and think about the name.

"What should we name her?" Minji again gently asks.

"Thanks for considering... But one day, she will be the successor of the Kim Family. So i think it's better that she has your name." Hanni warmly smiles at Minji as she holds her hand.

But Minji doesn't sit well with it.

Coming up with a solution, "Ah! I know. Let's do it like this!" Minji cheerfully suggests.


"Let's combine both of our names together!" Minji excitedly exclaims. ]

And thus, fulfilling Kim Minji's wish. The name ended up being Kim Hyein.
Despite my worries, Hyein grew up healthily.

It's still early for genetic test but according to the doctor.
Our Hyein is a 'Dominant Alpha' just like Minji.

And our marriage is also going perfectly.
What more can i ask for when i have Minji and our Hyein with me? They're my everything...


"Tadaa~~" Minji says as she hands Hyein a mirror to look at herself.

"Waaa~ i like it!" Little Hyein exclaims in joy.

Turning her head, "How about we go to dinner tonight? The three of us haven't been out for a long time." Minji suggests to Hanni.

"Yes, I'll finish this and we're leaving." Hanni happily replies as she types faster than ever.

"Wow~~" Both Minji and little Hyein admire her god speed typing.

Little Hyein then shyly goes to her mother, "Mommy, are you still working?" She asks.

Hanni sweetly smiles at her daughter and gives her a wink, "Yes, Mommy is working honey."

I opened a children's clothing store. The model is our cute Hyein.
Although, we don't really show the face of Hyein in the photos, many people likes our Hyein a lot.

"Ah! I have to finish this fast!" Hanni remembers and types in god speed again, wanting to finish it soon so that she can spend time with Minji and little Hyein.

Of course, the Chairwoman (Haerin) also helped me alot.
She gave a lot of advice on how to run a company.

And from what I've heard, she seemed to have a good relationship with Danielle as well.

"READY!" Hanni breathes out a sigh as she closes her laptop.

"Good work." Minji says as she gently kiss on Hanni's cheek.

And that doesn't sit well with little Hyein who was getting overly jealous, pulling them apart.

"Mommy! Me too!" Little Hyein demands as she nuzzles closer to Minji.

"Hyein too...Kiss kiss~" Minji lovingly responds and places multiple kisses on her cheeks.

Little Hyein then runs to Hanni, "Mommy, you too! Hurry!" She demands as she puckered her lips for Hanni to kiss her.

Hanni couldn't help with her cuteness, being overwhelmed. She tightly hugs her daughter, "Gosh! Where did our Hyein comes from~ So beautiful and adorable!" Hanni states as she showers little Hyein with kisses all over her face.

"Of course, she looks like you!" Minji laughs as she joins in the hug.

"No, she looks more like you." Hanni replies.

"But she looks more like you!" Minji fights back.

"Of course not! She has your eyes and everything." Hanni isn't backing down either.

"What are you talking about, she's completely your twin." Minji replies with the same stubbornness, not planning to back down.

And of course, some things never change XD.... Both the couple still fight over small things like before.

"I'm going to change my clothes~" little Hyein says as she break free from her parents and runs away.

"Ah! Hyein, Mommy will help you." Hanni says and proceeds to get up to run after her daughter but stops on her track as she sees Minji who was silently shedding tears looking at little Hyein.

*Laugh....."Why are you crying? You crybaby." Hanni teasingly asks.

"It's just that..." Minji smiles and leans on Hanni's shoulder, "Hanni, i love you so much. You're the best thing that has happened to me in my life." Minji says through her happy tears and leans in closer.

"I'm also glad to have met you." Hanni warmly replies.

As the couple shares their sweet and passionate kiss.

"AH! MOMMIES! WHY ARE YOU KISSING WITHOUT ME!!! YOU MEANIES..." little Hyein angrily shouts at them.

Hearing her, both Hanni and Minji quickly get away from each other.

And yeah, that was one of the most important reason why they couldn't have intercourse XDXD

And so, little Hyein runs up to them so that they all can share kisses and both Hanni and Minji lovingly embraces their daughter in their arms as they all shares their kisses to one another.

And so, little Hyein runs up to them so that they all can share kisses and both Hanni and Minji lovingly embraces their daughter in their arms as they all shares their kisses to one another

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.



*Read this!
My gratitude to all of you readers(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

A/n : Okay guys!
We're finally here!
I'm glad to be able to share this story with all of you🥺

And as you'll know, we've been through a lot together and i wanna thank y'alls from the bottom of my heart!😭
Y'alls been so freakin precious to me.... Thanks for making this book successful.

And so, our journey for this story ends for now....
But I'll come up with lots of stories for y'alls again in the near future🫂✨

With love,
From Authornim(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤

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