-Who's There? S-

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yeosang-ah you have to get out!...

They're killing you!


"Yeji!" Yeosang yelled jumping up abruptly from his bed. His eyes began to well up with tiny tears as he frantically glanced around the quiet room. That voice...it all felt too real for Yeosang. That voice ...was that one piece of comfort he had...that voice was his sister and damn did it hurt to hear it for such a short time. His body hurt but not because of a flesh pain but because of the internal ache from his heart. He tried not to think about her as much but the emotions that he tried so hard to dull were simply too strong to fight.

Those bundled up tears in his eyes had began to trickle down one by one at the fond memories resurfacing. He was simply too caught up in his grief to process the tight grip of the blanket crinkled up in his hands. Every emotion Yeosang didn't want to feel, he felt it and more which made him begin to break down slowly. He tried to stop the flowing tears but there was no point when a fresh set would trickle right back down.

With blurry eyes he leaned over to the side table flicking the lamp on. With the bright light illuminating the now dark room, Yeosang briefly glanced around seeing nothing. His paranoia had slowed down a bit but his heart was rapidly hitting against his ribs and his lungs kept burning with adrenaline. This was a new way for him to wake up, especially from his typical lucid dream moments. Looking above
the tv he saw that time.

3:33 Am

'Witching Hour' he thought to himself but shook his head to forget the thought. Taking a deep breath, he opened his drawer to find his sleeping medicine as well as his anti depressants. Swirling around the chaotic drawer, he eventually found the bottles he was looking for.

"Almost empty," he thought to himself as he removed the final tablet. He knew in his heart that asking his doctor for additional medication would be difficult, especially since he hadn't been attending treatment, but for the time being, all he needed was some peace of mind and some sleep. He gulped down the somewhat cool glass of water that was on his dresser after popping it into his mouth. He felt a tiny bit of relief and serenity seep into his body as the crisp, refreshing water ran down his parched throat.

After using up the last drop, he placed it in the side table, switched off the lamp once again, and then reclined into his bed. Taking a deep breath he looked up at the ceiling waiting for the drugs to take an effect as the slowly simmered in, the peaceful surroundings was abruptly.At the sound of something crashing in the pitch-black room, Yeosang snapped his eyes open. A wave of dread passed over him, and his heart hammered against his chest. He attempted to move, but his limbs felt as heavy as lead.

    "not again...." Yeosang thought to himself in the darkness.A soft, eerie laughter echoed through the room, sending shivers down his spine. He strained his eyes, trying to make out any shapes in the blackness. Suddenly, a figure emerged, standing near the mirror, its presence casting an ominous shadow.

    "Who's there?" Yeosang's wanted to say but the tight close of his vocal cords made it impossible.The figure inched closer, its movements fluid and unhurried. Yeosang's breath quickened as he struggled against his immobile body. Just as he blinked, the figure vanished from the mirror, only to reappear at the foot of his bed, its eyes glowing like a feral cat's.Yeosang's throat constricted with fear, rendering him speechless. The figure loomed over him, pinning his arms to the bed.Yeosang let out a muffled scream as the figure leaned in, its teeth sinking into his neck.Yeosang jolted awake, drenched in a cold sweat, his heart racing in terror. He clutched his knees to his chest, scanning the room frantically.

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