-How Far Would You Go?-

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This is a long one
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" oh my god!"

A high-pitched squeal pierced the air, sending a wave of irritation through Jongho as he stood on the field. He cast a sidelong glance at the source of the noise, a group of girls gathered nearby. Their excitement was palpable, but Wooyoung's annoyance stemmed not from their exuberance, but from the knowledge that Choi San, the object of their adoration, was known for his bisexuality and penchant for casual hookups.

Despite the outward appearance of indifference, Wooyoung couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort that gnawed at him. He resented the attention lavished upon San, not out of jealousy, but out of a sense of unease knowing that the girls' infatuation could lead to heartbreak or exploitation.As the commotion subsided and the girls dispersed, Wooyoung couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for them, knowing that their admiration for San might be misplaced. He resolved to keep a watchful eye on the situation, silently hoping to spare them from potential disappointment.

" San-ah"
" oppaaaaa!"
" will you please go out with-"

" alright girls, you need to go or I'm writing you all up". In that moment Wooyoung was happy that the coach was around cause he was seconds away from brutally embarrassing each and every one of those girls. Loudly he continued folding the unused towels and side eyeing the girls as they walked away.That was just another reason why Wooyoung hated that San was an athlete and hot. All the girls would flock and throw their panties for him. No way was Wooyoung jealous of that girls didn't give him attention, he only cares that sans attention wasn't on him when they wee around. Wooyoung was completely infatuated with the other, but what do you expect.

Wooyoung has been there for San since diapers and through the years they'd learned a lot of things together. When San was in middle school he questioned his sexuality a lot and he was scared especially with not knowing how to kiss someone, but guess who taught him how to do that...Wooyoung did .

Wooyoung was Sans first for a few things, and most recently he was the one to that took Sans virginity in both ways but of course no one knew that. Everyone assumed he was bone straight but no one really knew how gay San was. Obviously no one would believe he's gatt because he's everyone's dream guy. Smart, Strong, Funny, Friendly. He was simply too perfect for this world. He's always been like this, ever since him and Wooyoung were kids. He'd always been popular especially with the girls, but never did he once abandon him for anything...That was until Yeosang.

See Yeosang is new to the school and somehow managed to be the second most perfect person. He was pretty with that soft doll like face and his bright hair. Shy but that just made him cute and smart. In other wards he was the opposite of Wooyoung and everyone loved him, including everyone on the team. When Yeosang first entered the school, he was transferred from god knows where and he somehow became the assistant manger for Wooyoung .

In the beginning,Wooyoung held deep admiration for San, but over time, his feelings shifted, gradually evolving into a strong aversion. He began to sense a growing distance between himself and San, which left him feeling increasingly disconnected. Their leisurely strolls together, once a source of joy, became marred by the constant presence of Yeosang, who seemed to effortlessly divert San's attention away from him, provoking a sense of indignation within Jongho.

Initially, he tolerated Yeosang's company, but as it persisted, his frustration reached boiling point. Wooyoung couldn't help but notice the affectionate glances exchanged between San and Yeosang, reminiscent of the ones he once received. Those same eyes that once overflowed with adoration and love for him now bestowed the same sentiments upon another, leaving Wooyoung feeling replaced and unappreciated just like the other roaches in his grade.

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