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3ʀᴅ ᴘᴏᴠ
Blood, kidnapping,rape

" you sure you don't wanna just spend the night San?" Yeosang inquired, his expression fraught with concern as he searched San's face for any sign of hesitation or uncertainty.

" Yeo I'll be fine I promise and I really want to sleep and knowing how we are that'll never happen if we are together"

Yeosang chuckled and gently teased, "Oh, San-ah, always up to something. Just promise me you'll make it home safely, okay?" With a warm smile, he wrapped his arms around San for one last hug, planting a soft kiss on his lips before they parted ways.

San smiled affectionately at Yeosang and reassured him, "I promise, Yeo. I'll make sure to get home safely. And... I love you." With sincerity in his eyes, he leaned in and placed another tender kiss on Yeosang's lips, expressing his affection before they parted ways.

Yeosang's eyes sparkled with adoration as he let out a soft giggle, his fingers gently running through San's hair. "Love you too, my Sanshine," he whispered affectionately, his voice filled with warmth and fondness for his partner.

San's grin widened as he stood on the porch, watching his boyfriend disappear into the warmth of his home. Memories of their date flooded his mind, filling him with a sense of contentment. Their evening had been nothing short of magical, gliding across the frozen lake while holding each other close. The sparkle in Yeosang's eyes under the moonlight had left an indelible impression on San's heart, a memory he knew he would cherish forever.

Reflecting on their journey together, San's heart swelled with love for Yeosang. It was a love so deep and profound that words could scarcely capture its magnitude. In fact, San was so deeply committed to their relationship that he had already begun to envision a future together, picturing the day when they would exchange vows and become partners for life.

Thinking back to the moment they first met, San couldn't help but smile at the memory. He remembered the endearing awkwardness that had characterized their initial interactions, the way Yeosang's shy demeanor had only served to draw him in further. Even then, in those early moments, San had known that he was falling irrevocably in love with the man who now held his heart.

As he made his way down the dimly lit, frost-kissed street, a chill seeped into his bones, nipping at his pale cheeks with each step he took. Winter had settled in, painting the landscape with a blanket of pristine white snow that stretched as far as the eye could see. Despite the ethereal beauty of the wintry scene, there was an underlying sense of foreboding in the air, casting a shadow over the otherwise serene surroundings. However, he paid little heed to the ominous atmosphere, his focus solely on reaching the warmth and comfort of home.

With everything in such close proximity, there was no need for the duo to rely on transportation. Instead, they had chosen to embrace the crisp winter air and immerse themselves in the natural beauty that surrounded them. Walking hand in hand, they traversed the snow-covered landscape, their hearts filled with a sense of joy and wonder as they savored each precious moment together.

San's happy mood however took a sharp turn as he continued his walk home. Through majority of the lonely walk, he couldn't help but feel uneasy. He had the impression that someone was following him or watching him intently. When he was with other people, he often experienced that feeling but always felt safe because he was surrounded but those he loved; but, now that he was by himself, he began to feel anxious. Pausing for a bit he quickly looked around, looking for anything and everything, but he found nothing out of the ordinary.

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