-I Love You-

671 4 25

I cried a lil writing this
3ʀᴅ ᴘᴏᴠ

The gang world is crazier than anyone will ever know.In the heart of the city, beneath the neon glare of towering skyscrapers, lied a world veiled in shadows and secrecy—the realm of gangs. Streets that once bustled with the hum of daily life in the morning time now serve as battlegrounds for rival factions vying for dominance at night.

Each gang is a tight-knit family, bound together by loyalty, fear, and a thirst for power. They roam the labyrinthine alleys and dimly lit corners, their presence like a lurking predator, ever-watchful for any sign of weakness or intrusion into their territory.

The hierarchy within these gangs is strict and unforgiving, with leaders reigning over their domains like feudal lords, their word law and their authority absolute. Beneath them are lieutenants and enforcers, their roles defined by unwavering allegiance and a willingness to spill blood in the name of their allegiance.

Seonghwa found himself in the position of leadership, not by choice, but by birthright. He came from a lineage steeped in crime, with a sprawling family network comprising killers, scammers, and drug dealers, inevitably leading to the establishment of a formidable mafia. As the fourth generation, and the sole heir, he assumed the mantle of running the organization at a tender age of 22. Despite the burden of navigating a world rife with violence, devoid of the semblance of a normal life, Seonghwa persevered, molded into the unyielding intellectual he embodied, determined not to let his upbringing impede his progress. However, his resolve faced a turning point upon encountering Kim Hongjoong.

Encountering Hongjoong attempting to pickpocket one of his associates stirred conflicting emotions within Seonghwa. Despite the expectation to retaliate, he found himself unable to harm the smaller male, driven instead by an innate urge to shield him from harm. When Seonghwa first captured Hongjoong, he opted to keep him confined in his residence rather than executing him as originally intended.

However, he soon realized that Hongjoong was far more resourceful and astute than he had anticipated, as the next day dawned to reveal an empty space where the captive had once been. This pursuit persisted for half a year, with Seonghwa eventually growing weary and abandoning his pursuit of the elusive individual. Yet, fate had other plans when Seonghwa stumbled upon Hongjoong unconscious at his doorstep one day. Unable to ignore the sight, he tenderly lifted the smaller figure and ushered him indoors. From that moment onward, an unforeseen bond began to form between them.

Hongjoong's insatiable curiosity and persistent inquiries about Seonghwa's affairs initially grated on the latter's nerves. However, as time passed, Seonghwa reluctantly divulged his identity as a mafia boss, hoping to instill fear or at least deter further probing. To his surprise, Hongjoong greeted this revelation with admiration rather than apprehension, throwing Seonghwa off balance. That moment on their conversations deepened and their interactions became more frequent. They discovered an unexpected solace in each other's company, providing a form of inadvertent therapy amidst the chaos of their respective lives.

As their relationship blossomed, they found solace in sharing their traumas, fostering an understanding of their shared tumultuous pasts. Discovering that Hongjoong mirrored his own complexities brought a semblance of comfort to Seonghwa, reinforcing the notion that he wasn't alone in his struggles with morality and violence.

Their bond deepened over the passing years, evolving into an inseparable friendship tinged with toxicity and a hint of romance. Despite their dysfunctional dynamic, they found solace in each other's company, offering harsh truths and unwavering support when needed. Their relationship, though unconventional and occasionally fraught with possessiveness, provided a sense of belonging in a world where they both existed on the fringes of societal norms.The evolution of their relationship from mere flirtation to physical intimacy was marked by a haze of alcohol, blurring the edges of their first touch. Yet, as their encounters multiplied, each instance seemed to deepen the bond between them. With every caress, every whispered word of possession, they became entangled in a web of pleasure and connection, their own intoxicating drug.

ATEEZ ONESHOTS [BXB]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora