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⛅𝙁𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛⛅ 🌧️𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩🌧️

3ʀᴅ ᴘᴏᴠ
Domestic abuse, rape , manipulation

" You little slut! Fucking my friends huh?letting them use you're little greedy hole"

" they...they hurt me...why are you.."

" shut up and quit lying...you were enjoying it! God you just enjoy making me look stupid huh!?...huh!?" The angry male roared tugging at the smaller males hair and pushing him into the wall.

"I bet you do you little bitch! Fuck I can't stand you! You're such a useless slut how dare you let them do that to you?! Just get away from me looking at you makes me sick" That's the last words he heard before the loud thud of the door echoed throughout the house. The silence was beginning to ring in the now empty space as the unfortunate victim held their throat in an attempt to catch their breath.

There was only the faint drip of poisonous crimson wine resonating through the dimly lit, quiet room. The room was lit by tiny, flickering candles that gave out a lovely scent of lavender. Evil streaks of blood and sharp glass shards adorned the bleak, frigid floorboards. Devastating hardly scratches the surface of the state of the dining room to the kitchen after all the mayhem. Seated still in the corner of the demolished room was a figure.

The male trembled as he looked at all the chaos. After preparing for a romantic evening all day, Choi Jongho did not anticipate this. He expected things would have gone differently, but he didn't anticipate getting covered in scratches and bruises from the horrific attack, or getting completely submerged in the barely cooled red wine. With each sting of pain, the memories of what occurred played like a broken record.

Pushing Jongho against the large glass China cabinet, a dry and breathy cough came out his mouth. As he moved his way towards the lone bottle of water on the counter, he scratched at his throat trying to free the buttoned up shirt in an attempt to get at least a little more oxygen after choking. Once he grabbed the water he immediately gulped it down in an attempt to soothe the ache from within. As he placed the half empty bottle onto the marble counter tops, he light rubbed at his throat once more as the memories of that face he used to know morphed into an evil money crazed monster. He thought he had someone that cared but it just seemed as if luck was never on his side.

With an arrange marriage to a man that sees him as a punching bag, Jongho felt stuck. He knew his father wouldn't give a damn and his mother was god now where once she walked out of his dad. He literally had no one...no friends...no family to take to...all he had was himself and his brain that was screaming at him to escape before death....


....Jongho didn't have much of a choice

He was simply bred to be by the side of someone...he was bred to see this man as his 'Alpha' while he was a withering omega and he hated that. But no one cared. Everyone saw the facade of Jongho's life. They saw the beautiful fabrics, the prestigious jewelry and the perfect newly wed duo , but outsiders would never believe that Jongho was being tossed around and beaten while just father pointed the blame at his own son for quote quote 'disturbing your husbands peace'

In otherwards, Jongho was a pawn in his father's game of chess.

At first Jongho tried to keep a positive attitude but after around the third month things took a shift...that one day changed everything and that was the day Jongho would never forget..

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