Chapter fifty nine

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"Hey mum" I half smiled, letting my knees fall into the dirt that flew up around me.

Grass had weaved itself around her grave stone, pretty flowers blooming on every corner.

"We really miss you, I really miss you.." My voice cracked, I ran a finger gently along the top.

Trying to picture her sitting right there In Front of me, her long brown hair and red lips, always wearing a smile.

"I'm sorry I haven't visited in a while, a lots been going on.. I'm sure you already know that though. I remember you told me you'd always be there, so I know everything I've been through the last few months, you've been right there. I won't bore you with it all over again..."

I took a deep breath.

Talking to mom was the hardest thing to do, for weeks after she passed I wouldn't even dare to pass a cemetery, I didn't like the idea of the women who raised me, the women who taught me all I know, my mom.. To be a grave stone.

A fucking stone.

But I learned to realize that she wasn't just a grave, she was still with me.

"I came to tell you about dad.. He's.. He's different mom. Different then how he was before you left. It scares me to even say it aloud because it sounds too good to be true, but.. He's dad again. And as much as I don't want to believe it, I honestly don't think it's some act."

Did I look silly?

Sitting on my knees, staring at my mom who I couldn't see and talking?


"And Shawn... Damn, I haven't even told you about him. I'm sure you've seen him.. He's such a unique human being and I really think I'm in love with this kid" I shook my head, laughing the tears away.

"You'd love him, well.. You'd probably hate him at first because he puts on this whole bad boy act but he's really the sweetest guy... I wish you could've met each other"

Shawn will never meet mom, but I'm sure he'll be able to piece together exactly what she was like, what she looked like and smelled like.

Just from me talking about her so much.

"We've had our fair share of ups and downs, and it's only been a few months but I think we can make it work."

I was smiling like a fool now.

"He makes me happy"

Mum was always my biggest supporter with everything, wether she approved or not, I knew she already loved him.

"And pen! There's so many things to tell you it's all just spilling out. She's in Hawaii right now with Allys parents. How cool is that"?

A small part of me felt bad for not having P here with me, she begged me everyday for weeks to go visit mom and I always objected.

"Anyways, I should get going. I'm gonna go see dad, ya know.. Actually talk to him. But I love you mom, I hope you're resting easy. I'll stop by again soon"

With that, I leaned up, setting one small purple lilac on top and kissing it gently.


"Hello? Anyone home"? I knocked a few times, hearing the creek of the screen door.

There was a car in the drive but no one seemed to be in the house, unless he was sleeping.

"Dad"? I called, letting my self in.

All walls were painted now, flowers and decorations, the grass outside was even mowed with a glass yard table.

Everything mom would have wanted.

"I just came to talk. I'm not gonna run off" I swung my arm on the railing, hopping onto the first few steps on the stair case.


Pictures of all of us plastered around.

I passed pens room, her bed was made with stuffed animals atop.

It was now a light purple color with butterfly stick ons.

She would've loved this.

My room was next and I wasn't sure why I was so scared to open that door.

But when I did, I didn't want to sink to the floor and sulk, I didn't want to scream of anger because he had finally change everything and done what mom wanted, after she was gone.

I smiled.

I smiled at the fresh pink walls and made bed, a new comforter and body mirror.

There was even some new outfits hung in my closest.

Outfits I'd asked for on my birthday last year.

He always said no.


I decided to call again, getting suspicious to why he hadn't answered yet.

But my suspicions dropped as soon as I turned the corner for his room.

Along with my heart.

Laying there, cold and lifeless on the floor.

Was my father.

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