Chapter fifty one

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"So three for a night"? The red haired women popped her bubble gum, looking up at me.

I nodded, setting 25 dollars on the counter.

"Is that enough"?

She adjusted her glasses, clearing her throat.

"That'll do. You're room 12," She handed me a set of keys, her long finger nails painted pink.

I thanked her before opening the glass door back up, bells chimed.

"Put that out" My voice was stern as Shawn leaned against the wooden pole, a cigarette between his fingers.

It was nearly 9, we decided to leave his home for the night and find a motel sense we really had no where else to go and he insisted we be alone.

He planned on arguing with his mom for as long as possible but I didn't want Al around that.

So we left.

"You couldn't have picked a shittier motel could you"? His voice was deep and angry.

I wanted to burst and tell him to stop being so fucking negative to everyone when he was really only upset at two people.

But I didn't.

Upsetting Shawn more was the last thing I needed too do to him right now.

"We're room 12, I think that's.." I set my hand above my eye brows too try and see better across the lot.

"Right there" Our room was across where we stood. I twirled the key on my finger, heading over as Aaliyah did too.

Shawn stayed in the same spot, looking off into nothing.

With the cancer stick between his plumped lips.

He's gonna leave you, he can't stick around with anyone for too long..

Those fucking words.

They shouldn't have meant anything the moment they left Mr. Mendes, I had tucked them in the back of my mind.

And I hoped, that's where they'd stay.

"This.. This is nice" Al hesitantly set a pair of her folded PJs on one of the two beds.

An old, dusted T.V sat on a wooden bench, the bible and a ripped up magazine placed near by.

I sighed.

"It'll do for the night. Get settled in okay? I'll get us some food from the vending machine" Al nodded.

I set my own things on the bed me and Shawn would share before heading back out into the open air.

The wind was picking up, so I tucked my hands under my arms, hugging myself.

"It just pisses me off ya know? They can't do this." Shawn held his phone too his ear, speaking too someone as I passed him towards the vending machine.

"I left. But I'm going back tomorrow and their leaving. Al can stay...."

One bag of Doritos, three waters and graham crackers.

"Um.. Yeah, yeah I'll come. Twenty minutes? Sure. Bye bro"

He clicked end, tucking the device back in his pocket.

"Me and Aaliyah will be here when you get back"

"Dont you wanna know where I'm going"?

He asked as I stepped off the small porch.

"I'm assuming Ian's, be safe." With that I went to turn back around and leave him to head to Ian's.

It angered me how Shawn would rather run of too a party then stay and comfort his scared sister who just had to walk out and leave her parents for reasons she didn't understand.

"Wait a minute" his fingers grippe my wrist, turning me back around.

"What's wrong"?

"Nothing Shawn. But don't you think your sister wants too see you? What am I gonna tell her? Oh yeah, your brother you haven't seen in months ran off to a party"?

He just looked at me, unable to form words on what his next remark should be.

"I need to get away for a few hours, can't you make up something?"

He ran a hand through his hair.

I chewed my lip.

"I'll figure something out. You have fun at the party"

"What's your issue"? He now raised an eye brow along with his voice.

I didn't have an issue, I understood Shawn was going through a lot of shit but how could I help him if he only wanted to run off and let drinking wash it all away for maybe an hour or two?

"You have no fucking idea how this feels" He spit, walking past me and too his car.

I stood there.

I didn't know how it felt?

I didn't know how it fucking felt too have someone walk out on you and pretend you didn't exist?

Me and Shawn have lived different lives but how the fuck could he say I didn't know how it felt?

"Okay" was all I replied with to myself as his mustang sped out, leaving a rush of dirt.

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