Chapter fifty eight

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How did it happen?

How did I let myself become so infatuated with this girl?

She was my world.

She's is my everything.

"Stop being such a faggot" My head snapped up as Ian threw a shoe my way.

I let my phone fall into my palms, clicking the home screen so the picture of Will laughing her ass off disappeared.

"When's the last time you got laid anyways"? He continued, rummaging through my closet only to pull out the box of condoms.

I raised my eye brows.

Last night.

"I could ask you the same" a smirk appeared across his lips.

I rolled my eyes, standing up and taking the box from his palms.

Ian had told me one too many times today that him and Al have been fucking non stop.

"Take care of yourself" I placed a handful of them on his chest, he quickly grabbed them.

"What makes you think I don't have my own"?

"Did Ally tell you she had a pregnancy scare"?

His eyes widened at my words and I tried my best to holdback a grin.

She didn't actually have a scare or Willow would be by her side freaking out.

Sometimes messing with Ian was a necessity.

"What? No? She didn't.. Fuck" He tucked them in his pocket, practically tripping over his own feet as he made it out of my bed room door.

"You're an ass" I turned my head to the girl with wet brown hair and a white towel wrapped around her frail body.

Will didn't pack make up on, I mean, she didn't need it but she never over loaded herself.

And when she was completely bare and exposed, you could see each freckle and beauty mark.

She was truly beautiful.

"Only occasionally" I replied, smiling as she walked towards me and rested her head against my chest.

I kissed the top of it.

"You okay"?

"It's not a bad thing Shawn" She released a sigh.

Shaking her head.

"What's not a bad thing"?

I had a feeling it was about her dad, she clearly didn't take him trying to turn his life around as a positive thing.

"He's trying.. He's trying so why do I hate that so much? Why does it still feel like one big lie" She looked up at me.

I wanted to have an answer for will, just like I wanted to have an answer for why my family left and tried to come back like nothing happened.

But sometimes, you don't.

You don't have answers because there aren't any.

"I dunno babe. Maybe it's just hard for you to accept it." She nodded.

Chewing the skin on her bottom lip as she always did when she was nervous or thinking hard.

She leaned up quickly to kiss me.

I let my hands travel to the grip she had to keep the towel together and tugged lightly.

"Slow down big boy. Didn't you get enough last night"?

I frowned, giving her one more kiss before backing up and heading to grab my keys off the night stand.

"I'm gonna go see Aaliyah, spend the day with her. Maybe get an ice cream"?

My parents and Liyah had decided to stay at a family friends house until I "came around" to letting them back.

Which didn't really make much sense considering Rick (my father) had been here every day sense they left.

I'd never despised a man so much.

"Awh, that sounds nice. Call me and let me know how it goes later" She smiled, heading back into the bathroom to disappear.

"Love you"!!! She called as I opened the door.

"Love you too babe"


"What kind do you want? I think I'm gonna get vanilla with chocolate swirls and rain now jimmies" She smiled up at me, swinging my hand in hers as we walked down the side walk full of stores.

Me and liyah use to walk to the ice cream shop every day after school, talk about our days and what games she played on the play ground at recess.

The little dweed was my best friend for years..

Then dad left

And mom,

And she took Aaliyah with her.


I snapped from my daze of thought, clearing my throat as the girl behind the counter raised her eye brows politely.

"Um... I'll take one waffle coned vanilla ice cream with chocolate swirls and rainbow jimmies, an then just a cup of strawberry ice cream"

Al frowned, tugging my arm.

"You never get that"!!

"Okay okay, make that strawberry with chocolate jimmies" I added with a small laugh.

She smiled satisfied.

I set the money on the counter and took our ice creams as the women handed them over.

We found our usual spot in the front by the giant window.

"Why didn't Willow tag along? She's very nice you know that"? She licked the rim of the cone, kicking her feet with joy, being happy in this place.

I was too.

"She is huh"?

"Mhm. How did you guys meet"?

I took a deep breath, we had only met months ago but I was so in love with such an amazingly created human being.

It felt like years.

And years to come.

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