Chapter twenty

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"Shawney baby"! Amanda swung her arms around my dripping shoulders as I left the water.

"Hey" I lightly hugged back, ignoring the uncomfortableness floating inside my stomach.

"It's been so long, why haven't you answered my texts hun"? She moved around as she talked, setting a blanket in the sand and slipping off her sandles.

I hadn't answered them sense I met Willow.

"Iv um.. Been busy, school"

She laughed, standing up straight now with her hands on her hips.

Her skin was tan, a silver flower belly button piercing dangling.

"School? Shawn, babe. I have known you for years and I know you could care less about school"

She was right, I mean. When I was younger I paid attention to school but ever sense shit started going down at home, I couldn't care less.

But I wanted to care,

For Willow.

I think.

"Amanda! How are ya"? Ian ran his hands through his wet hair, appearing next to me, fingers locked with Ally.

Willow was getting out a few feet right from us, gripping a towel towards her face to soak up the water.

"Hi Ian" Amanda smiled, making a popping sound with her lips as she put on Chapstick.

"Shawn cares about school by the way, my best friend Willow, she touters him"

Ally's smiled, a shot of anger in her tone with one hand on her hips.

I couldn't help but smirk, her purposely mentioning Willow.

"Oh, is that so"? Amanda raised her eye brows at me.

I didn't say anything.

"Well... That's good" She moved past us, walking towards the ocean directly behind me.

"I don't like her" Ally commented, before unlocking hands with Ian and heading to meet Willow who was now sunbathing on a blanket in the sand.

"We should get going"

I spoke.

I didn't want to be here anymore, well I didn't want to be here period but especially while Amanda was here.

"Fine. But were going to get something to eat" Ian ran off towards the girls and I slowly picked my shirt off the sand.

Slipping my arms through and pulling it over me with a sigh of air.


I jumped, the feeling of a hand on my shoulder.


"Um.. Yeah"?

She ran her tongue along her bottom lip, clearing trying to be seductive.

This was Amanda, she was always trying to impress a guy just to get it in.

It always worked for me.

But it didn't feel right today.

"Can I.. See you tonight"?

She ran her hand down my arm slowly, smiling.

"I um..."

I looked over at the Ian and the girls, Willow was standing up now, packing our things.

Looking at her,

It made me want to say no.

I didn't want to fuck Amanda or any other girl when I looked at Willow.

But I didn't like that.

I didn't like feeling this.

"Yeah, yeah you will"


She leaned in, kissing my cheek and leaving without another word.

I wiped the wetness off my skin,

I needed to forget what I was felt.

So I went with my head.


SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING LOVES! I really do read all the comments and acknowledge them! 💝 still can't comment back for some reason but I'll be updating more tonight.

Keep voting! 💙💙

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